Day 19

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Wake up, go to the meeting, and get out into a dungeon. Living a life of an Explorer was really growing on Geek. Being able to see the world and meet new Pokémon. It really was a fun time. Geek enjoyed it, and he knew Volt enjoyed it too. Volt made this especially fun. Being able to have a friend who would stick with him through thick and thin on their adventures, all the way to the end. It was reassuring and joyful at the same time. Today was going to be an especially fun day, because today they were taking Wave on an expedition with them.

"Been awhile since we've done something together huh?" Wave said as they walked down the path to the dungeon that Geek and Volt had chosen today.

"Yeah. I think the last time we did anything like this was in Petal Town after our big battle," Volt replied.

"Hehe, yeah, hey I hope we don't have any hard feelings about that. I was just misinformed about things. Not to mention I probably rushed to an assumption instead of getting more information," Wave said as he put a hand behind his head and he gave a slightly pained smile.

"Nah. It's okay. Everyone has those moments. I even had that kind of moment with Tsunami until I realized what was really going on," Geek answered as they reached a fork in the road.

"So, which way do we go Geek?" Wave asked.

"Left. It leads to the Cave of Illusions," Geek replied, adding emphasis on illusions.

"Sounds cool. Is it a Cave with weird mirror stuff in it?" Wave asked.

"Yeah. Have you already been there?" Geek asked.

"Yep. It was my first dungeon with Gallade actually. How's 'bout we go right. I've personally never been down that path," Wave suggested.

Geek looked over to Volt, and they exchanged a worried glance. The right path was blocked off, and no one was allowed entry. They knew that because yesterday they tried getting in, but they couldn't.

"The right path is blocked off. We don't know why, but it just is," Volt explained.

"Okay? Let's call up Lucario or Greninja and get their opinion," Wave replied as he pulled out his Explorer Gadget.

"Hey, yeah, Greninja?" Wave said into the machine. 

Greninja's voice came back over loud and clear, "Yeah Wave, what's up?"

"Hey, you know that fork in the road in the Outskirts Forest?" Wave asked.

"Yeah why?"

"You know that path to the right that's blocked? Is it alright if me, Geek, and Volt went in that way?" Wave posed the question so calm and casually, like he did it regularly.

"Mmmm, I guess... but call up Gallade or Marowak to come with you. That way you have some extra muscle with you," Greninja replied quickly, "Ok, I'm in the middle of something, so I'll talk to you guys tonight! See ya!"

"Okay, it's settled! Let's call up Marowak. I haven't worked with him in forever," Wave said as he immediately began calling up the Explorer.

"Hey Wave, what's up?" Marowak came over again, loud and clear. 

They could expect nothing less from Victini, who created the devices.

"Yo, so me and the new guys were gonna ask if you wanted to come down that path that's blocked off in the fork at Outskirts Forest. Do you want to get a little adventurous?" Wave asked.

"Sure. Just, give me a few minutes to pack up my stuff and get over to you guys. See ya in a sec!"

Geek, Volt, and Wave waited. They waited for a good thirty minutes before Marowak arrived, carrying a large bag with supplies and tools flowing out of it. He was panting and out of breath when he finally did get there.

"I'm so sorry guys!" He shouted as he bent over, breathing in heavily trying to catch his breath.

"What took you so long?" Volt asked as he dropped from the tree above that he was resting on.

"I left, but then I got lost and ran into this creepy looking Pokémon. At first it was a casual glance, but then it started following me, and then it chucked this massive dark energy ball at me! I ran and ran and ran and got even more lost in a dungeon," Marowak's eyes filled with terror as he remembered everything that happened.

"Wait, woah woah woah, what did the Pokémon look like?" Volt asked suddenly.

"It was a Haunter, that's all I know. But, that weird orb it threw at me, it was almost like I could feel the dark aura flowing off of it," Marowak replied as he plopped into the grass.

Volt and Geek exchanged worried glances again. They knew exactly what was going on. It was another Pokémon under the control of an orb. They explained everything about their previous town, and about the orbs. Marowak already knew they were humans, but he didn't know too much about the orb incidents besides what Lucario occasionally talked about with Greninja or Gallade.

"Now that I think about it, wasn't Greninja kinda in a rush to end her call with us?" Wave asked curiously.

"Greninja? She walked past me on my way here. She said she had just finished up with an important mission for Lucario and was heading back to report in," Marowak said.

Everyone discussed things a little deeper for a while, then they all finally decided to talk about it later at dinner tonight. They had a dungeon to explore.

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