Chapter Eight

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Your Point of View

Hanji gently knocks on my door before she opens it slightly, peering in at me.

"Hey, (Y/n)," she says, smiling.

I smile in return, pleased by her company. She enters the little room, a novel in hand.

"How're you feeling?" She walks over, sitting gently at the end of my bed.

"I'm feeling well. My headache seems to be going away." Though it's not completely gone, I'm eager to leave this tiny room and explore.

"That's great! I'm glad to hear it." She offers the thick book to me. "I brought you this."

I take it from her hands, taking notice of the denseness of the novel right off the bat. It's bounded in black leather, gold letters scrawled across the front.

"It looks like an old history work, but it's a good book, promise. It's very romantic. It makes me wish there were more couples around."

I open the front cover, Hanji's name scrawled messily under the title.

"You don't have to read it. But if you do, take as much time as you need. I've read it enough times."

"Thank you," I say, closing the book. "I quite enjoy reading. I'll be sure to start it soon."

"Great. I hope it keeps you preoccupied since you can't do anything." She gets up, and crosses the room. "I have to go, otherwise I'd stay to chat." She exits the room, leaving me with, "happy reading".

I read through the first part of the book, watching as the young couple's relationship develops. They meet unexpectedly and their love for each other takes off almost immediately. It's quite fast-paced, which I'm sure I'll have to get used to, with a job like this.

As I read through a chapter where the male is overly grumpy due to an intense workload, Levi pops into my head. I picture his face, his sleek, silky black locks, his shadowed, bored eyes, his sharp jawline, and permanent grimace... I find myself distracted by the image of him. He is a beautiful man. His hair is always perfect and his eyes are striking. They are a bright grey, the kind of colour that suggests mystery, but also warmth, despite his cold exterior.

I feel a peculiar warmth in the pit of my stomach. It's so sudden and strange, that I can't help but sigh.

As I continue through this scene, I picture the male as Levi, in my head. The way the woman gently comforts her lover, is something I'd like to do to Levi, just to see if maybe he'd warm up to someone. Though I feel as if he would quickly reject my advances.

I set my book down, hearing the clattering of hooves and wheels outside my window. I climb out of bed, peering out, seeing a carriage, Levi on the front, pulling out towards the back of the building. In the back of the wooden vehicle, I see boxes. And a familiar object catches my eye... The stuffed rabbit I always kept on my bed. He has my belongings.

I watch as he rides off. Then a little robin on the branch of a nearby maple tree catches my eye. I watch as it hops along the thick branch, holding some twigs in its beak as it moves along.

I return to my bed and the place in my book, reading through another chapter about the two lovers searching for a home together. I sigh. That was a quick progression in the plot.

Soon, another knock is heard on my door, another familiar face peeking in- it's Levi. He almost smiles as he sees me.

"(Y/n), it's nice to see that you're looking well."

"Thank you, Captain," I respond.

"I have exciting news. You will be sleeping in your new bed tonight. Also, your belongings have been gathered and they are in your room. Would you care to join me? You have a great deal of unpacking to do." Despite the news exciting me, he sounds incredibly bored, as usual.

"I can leave?" I feel my excitement grow.

"Well, not technically, but Hanji doesn't have to know." His mouth twitches into a smirk.

I grin, hopping out of bed. Only in my white hospital gown, I grab his hand, pulling him out of the room.

"Thank you, Captain!"

He begins to protest against me yanking him down the hall, but I pull harder.

"Fuck, you're a strong one," He mutters. "But not stronger than me." At that, he effortlessly lifts me, carrying me so I'm hanging over his shoulder. I silently thank the gods that my gown is longer.

"Levi, no one knows me. What if they see us?"

"I will simply explain that I am proving a point- that I am far stronger than you."

He holds me tight, but I still fear falling. I grasp onto his white, button-up silk shirt tight, hoping his strength doesn't fail him.

He carries me to a dining room and he sets me down, continuing on, guiding me along. We walk up a set of stairs and to a more secluded area of the massive castle.

We pass a group of people, who stare at us. I remember that I was only in a thin white hospital gown. Levi takes notice, letting me down, and taking off his cloak, draping it over my shoulders, shooting a dark glare at the people. They immediately begin to walk in the other direction, disappearing.

We continue down the hall, his cape floating behind me. On our left is a door marked Captain Levi Ackerman.

"My office is here. Just so you are aware. Always knock before entering."

He continues down another set of stairs and outside. The place is more spectacular and beautiful than I originally thought. The view from my window was only the tip of the iceberg. Tall trees surround the grounds, the building itself soaring high into the sky. We walk towards the side of the building, passing a dirt path that leads down to a barn near the forest, carts parked near it.

We reenter the building from the back, walking up another staircase to an area marked Living Quarters.

"Why did we go outside?" I whisper though it feels unnecessary.

"To avoid four eyes." I assume he means Hanji.

We enter the area, and he directs me to a little room at the end of the hall.

"Since we have had an over abundance of recruits join us within the past couple of months, we have had to resort to using rooms that were originally meant for important guests." He seems slightly more annoyed than usual. "Your room will be fancier, but don't let that get to your head. You will be treated like everyone else. As more recruits die, you will be moved down to a normal dorm."

We turn another corner and I have to jog to keep up with him.

"Also, from now on you will refer to me as Captain. Got it?"

"Yes, Captain," I respond. 

He stops at a door, pausing to open it.

"Here we are."

Never Let You Go ▶A Levi Ackerman X Reader◀Where stories live. Discover now