Chapter Thirty

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Your POV

The night before the test I sit in the equipment room. My hands tremble and I breathe deeply. I'm glad I'm alone.

The pressure of tomorrow makes my head spin. This is very important. If I fail I'll have to stay behind. If I don't I'll have to go fight. And even then I could die. I never really took into consideration ​that I could die.

My brain spirals into a deep recess of hidden fear. I can be afraid to die, but that can't stop me from giving my life for humanity.

My training with Levi went well. I'm sure everything will be okay. But I know slicing up wooden figures is different than actual​ Titans.

Levi guides me to the training field where Pyxis, Keith, Erwin, Hanji, and Mike are already waiting for me. I feel nervous. I hope I succeed.

"Hello, (Y/l/n)." The elderly man greets, with a gentle smile. The wrinkles around his face really show his age, as well as his lack of hair.

"Hello, General." I respond, standing straight, my fist resting over my heart. My voice wavers.

"What happened to your​ face?" He asks.

I clearly look like a wreck. My nose is stitched up and my eyes are dark, from banging it so hard.

"Just an accident." I respond simply.

"Very well. Now, we will take you through some basic fighting techniques and value you on how well you do. It's fairly straightforward. Do you have any questions?"

My mind is flooding over with a million thoughts, but I can't think of any questions.

"No, Sir!" I respond, attempting to sound confident.


Like last night we head through the forest and to the training area with the wooden Titan figures. My nerves are horrible and I'm already sweating from nervousness.

Levi takes my hand, pulling me aside as we walk. "Just pretend that I'm the only one here. Like last night. Ignore all of them. Just focus on me and you'll be fine."

"O-okay​, Levi. I'll try."

"Don't try." He leans in, his lips brushing against my ear. "Do it."

I nod, feeling more brave than the previous moment.

General Pyxis gives specific instructions. The first Titan is a simple kill- slice the nape.

I wipe my clammy hands on my pants before I draw my blades. I pull the triggers, my hooks shooting out. I fly through the air, my eyes narrowing as I focus on the nape. I drive my blades deep into the wood, chunks flying in every direction.

"Cut the legs off the next Titan! And then slice the nape!" He calls before I have a chance to land.

I do as requested, slicing the legs, then the head.

The next Titans are easy to slice up.

The final Titan is the hardest. It is the tallest and the wood is the thickest.

"Amputate all of the limbs before you slice the nape!"

I remember Levi's words about blades. My technique means nothing if my blades are dull. I take a moment to switch them, before I dive at the arms, slicing one, and then the other, soaring through the cool air. The legs are harder to take off. I have to slice the front and then the back. The nape is the most difficult.

Branches and leaves are in my way, so my vision is impaired. I swoop in, slicing the branches away to get a better view. From there it allows me to dive in and slice the nape with more ease.

When I finish I land beside the wooden remains of the Titan, on the grass.

I insert my blades into the boxes at my sides, before swiping a hand across my sweaty forehead.

I am surprised to find General Pyxis with a smile on his face. I don't know whether to be proud or concerned.

Hanji looks ecstatic and Erwin and Mike look impressed. Keith even looks less angry than usual.

Levi doesn't look very happy.

"Congratulations, (Y/f/n). Welcome to the recon corps."

I sigh in relief, shaking General Pyxis' outstretched hand.
Keith offers a hand as well. When they walk away, Hanji embraces me.

"This will be so much fun! We'll get to fight Titans together!"

"Your technique is great, (Y/n). You move with such grace, yet your hits are powerful." Mike says.

"And remembering to change your blades was excellent. Not many recruits remember to do that, which is dangerous." Erwin adds.

I look to Levi, but I find that he's frowning. I don't want to bring it up in front of his co-workers.

When we're walking back to HQ I grab his hand, deliberately walking slower behind the others.

"Levi," I say quietly, just out of earshot of the others. "Is everything okay?"

"Yes, (Y/n). Congratulations." His tone almost sounds annoyed.

I narrow my eyes at him. "Aren't you happy for me?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be?"

His words sound forced. But I leave it at that. I'll figure this out when we get back.

We enter my room, and he closes the door behind us. I undress and pull on comfier clothes. He sits on my bed, sliding his feet out of his boots. I sit gently beside him, watching his face closely.

"What are you staring at?" He questions.

"You." I respond.


"Because something is wrong and I'm worried."

"There's nothing wrong. Relax, (Y/n). You have more important things to be concerned about."

"When it involves you it's one of my main priorities."

"You have nothing to be concerned about. I promise, I'm fine." His eyes deceive him. They look dark, fearful.

"Levi, you look... afraid."

"I'm not afraid. I have nothing to be afraid of."

"Then why do you look scared?" I say, my voice wavering.

If he looks afraid there must be something that's scaring him. And knowing him, whatever it is must be terrifying.

"It's not important and not something I wish to speak about."

"Well, does it have to do with me? Because you didn't look like this before I passed my test tonight."

He doesn't say anything. He just stares blankly at the floor.

After a few moments I reach forward, placing my hand on his shoulder. He hesitantly meets my gaze.

"Whatever it is, you can tell me, you know." I say, my voice soft and gentle.

"You know you mean everything to me, right?" He whispers.


"You know I love you more than anything."

"Yes, Levi."

"You know I need you more than the air I breathe."

"Yes, honey."

"Then good. There's nothing else you need to know."

His words are a bit intense and leave me feeling stunned. I didn't know he felt so strongly about me. At least our feelings are mutual.

"You know I feel the same way, right?" I whisper.

He leans in, kissing my cheek.

"I believe you... But I don't think you realize just how much I need you..."

Never Let You Go ▶A Levi Ackerman X Reader◀Where stories live. Discover now