Chapter Six

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Levi's Point of View

Later on, I wander back up to the infirmary. I want to see how (Y/n) is doing. I find Hanji in her lab. She's looking over some papers. She peers up as I enter.

"Hello, Captain."

"Hanji," I say simply as I lean against a table.

"What brings you out of your office?"

"Am I not allowed to come socialize?"

She raises an eyebrow at me, only her eyes peeking over the papers in front of her face. "You? Socialize? That's like asking a Titan to stop eating humans. Which, we both know, isn't going to happen." She laughs.

I roll my eyes, folding my arms over my chest. "Fine. I didn't come up here for petty small talk. I just want to know how (Y/n) is." My voice reflects my annoyance.

"Why don't you go over there and see for yourself?"

"Doesn't she need to rest?"

"She's not going to sleep all day. Last I checked she was awake. And bored out of her mind."

"Fine, I'll go talk to her." The thought makes me feel happy, which is weird for me.

"Wait a second," Hanji says slowly. "You care about this girl, don't you?"

"Of course I don't." I lie. "I just know she is going to join my squad and I want to make sure she's in tip-top condition."

"She's joining your squad?" She seems surprised.

"Of course. She is in peak physical condition. She will be a great addition."

"You're lying." She folds her arms over her chest, tilting her head to the side, peering over at me at an angle.

"Listen here, brat. You follow my orders. And I command that you stop asking me questions." I nearly shout at her, my teeth clenched.

"You do care about this girl!"

I stand upright and swiftly exit the room, Hanji yelling at me the entire way out. I slam the door and head down to (Y/n)'s room. I stop outside the door and grab the doorknob, twisting it and pulling the door open. I peer in, and see (Y/n) sitting on the windowsill, peering out of the glass of the window, her hands folded in her lap. She doesn't look up as I come in. I close the door gently behind me as if I'm afraid to disturb her, though I'm sure she is aware of my presence.

I walk over, sitting on the chair beside her bed. "Hello, (Y/n)," I say.

She swiftly turns to look at me. "Oh, Captain Levi, hello. I thought you were Hanji. What are you doing in here?"

"I came in to check on you."

"Oh. Thank you. I'm glad to finally have some company."

"Hanji told me you were bored."

She gets up and she sits on the bed, facing me. "I am very bored. Is there anything we can do?"

"Well," I begin, thinking of something. "I could borrow a deck of cards from Erwin. If you wanted to play a card game."

"That sounds good." She flashes a warm smile at me. I feel a strange warmth flood through me. I quickly get up and leave.

Your Point of View

I lie back on the bed, waiting for Levi to return with the cards. I fold my arms under my head, gazing up at the dark wood of the ceiling. I let my mind wander to all that has happened the last couple of days. The many events and changes make my head spin.

I can't help but grin when I think of him. He seems so ill-tempered around everyone else, but I see a lighter side of him. He never treats me like the others. Maybe that will change when I become one of his recruits. Or the grumpy act is just a façade he uses around the recruits to seem intimidating? Whatever the answer, I will find out soon. But despite all of this, I like the Captain.

He returns a short time later with a deck of cards in hand. I migrate towards the top of my bed, letting him sit near the bottom, the cards separating us. He appears hesitant to join me at first, but then he sits lightly.

We play Go Fish. It's a standard game that everyone knows how to play... Aside from Levi, clearly. After I give him a quick lesson on how to play, he catches on fairly quickly.

"Do you have any 7's?" I ask him.

He sighs, pulling one out of his deck and handing it to me. His finger brushes mine, a shock of static electricity surprising us both. I yank my hand back, laughing. I see his mouth twitch into a slight smile.

When we both run out of cards we count our matches. I have more than he does.

"I win," I tell him, grinning.

"What, there's no way! You must've cheated." He protests, flustered.

"Check my cards, You'll see. I won fair and square." I respond, holding my stack of cards up for him to see.

"Let me see those." He mutters, snatching the deck from me. He thoughtfully counts them out, sighing when he comes to the same conclusion as me.

"I told you." I playfully tease.

"Fine. You win this time."

I hear a door open and peer over, seeing Hanji enter the room. I smile at her. Levi doesn't even have to see her to know who it is.

"Captain, it's time to pack it up. I need to change her bandages."

"Alright, four eyes."

"Hurry up, shorty."

"I know where you sleep." He mutters as he climbs off my bed, the deck of cards in hand. He sits on the chair beside my bed, letting Hanji go to work on my bandages. I wince as she pulls a piece of burgundy, matted fabric off my arm. It pulls on the stitches holding my skin together.

I see Levi shift in the corner of my eye. I peer over at him. He looks uncomfortable. His gaze meets mine. He stares at me for what feels like an eternity. Suddenly he gets to his feet, quickly and gracefully exiting the room.

Never Let You Go ▶A Levi Ackerman X Reader◀Where stories live. Discover now