Chapter Twenty-One

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I slip out of her room before she awakes, my jacket draped over my arm. I begin to button my shirt when someone behind me clears their throat. I turn around, finding Erwin standing in the hall, his large, muscular arms folded across his chest.
"Commander Erwin." I say simply, sliding my arms into my jacket.
"Captain Levi." He responds sternly, stepping closer to me. "Is that (Y/n)'s room?"
"It is."
"You two seem... Close." His eyes dart over to her door before they return to my face.
"And you won't tell me anything else, will you?"
"Why are you so curious?" I turn and begin to walk away, fixing my top buttons as I walk quickly down the dark hall.
"Well, I'm constantly seeing you two together. You violently outburst at General Pixus when he questions her. You don't tell anyone anything. Even Hanji has been incredibly silent on the matter, which is completely unlike her. Then I catch you sneaking out of her room early in the morning with your shirt off and your hair a mess?"
I turn the corner, picking up my pace.
"It has raised a bit of curiosity, I apologise." His apology is dripping with sarcasm. "I just wanted to know what was going on between the two of you. Especially considering (Y/n) is my cadet."
I think about Erwin's words. What are we? We act as if we're a couple. We love each other. But nothing has been made official.
"Well, I'll let you know when I find out." I mumble.
"You know, a fair amount of the male recruits have had their eye on her. I thought I should warn you. You'd better figure out what she is to you soon."
I feel anger bubbling inside of me. If anyone so much as looks at her the wrong way, I'll break their arms. I storm off to my office, my hands curling into fists. Erwin stops following me.
I slam the door and sit behind my desk, plopping down on my chair. I need to talk to her soon.
What would I say? I've never done this before.
I get up, crossing the room, peering out the frosted glass window at the rising sun. I find myself pacing, walking back and forth between my desk and my window. I need to distract myself. Fortunately I have work to do.
I pull out the papers in the top drawer of my desk, reading through the words printed across them. I fill out the necessary sections. When I'm a quarter way through the large stack, I hear footsteps outside of my door, voices accompanying them. I roll my eyes. I should eat some breakfast and get ready to train these brats.
"Tch." I mutter at the thought.
I leave the papers sitting neatly at the corner of my desk, and I get up. I stop at the mirror by the door, fixing some loose strands of hair.
I jog down to the dining room. I collect a tray of food for myself and (Y/n), saving the spot beside me for her. Soon she saunters into the room, all dressed, her damp hair pulled back into a ponytail. She smiles as she sees me, taking her seat beside me. The room quickly begins to fill. Hanji and Erwin join us.
(Y/n) leans over, pecking my cheek​. I feel my cheeks grow warm, knowing everyone can see her. I interlace our fingers under the table.
"So, (Y/n)," Erwin says, leaning in. "Are you prepared to begin real training?"
She seems confused. "Real training?"
"Yes, you'll be joining Captain Levi as a regular recruit today." Hanji fills in.
"I have heard he's quite frightening. Should I be worried?" I can hear the wink in her voice.
"He shouts at everyone. I'm sure there will be no exceptions." Erwin emphasizes.
"Of course not, Commander." I say.
"He isn't that scary." Hanji giggles.
"Oh really, four eyes? I have made you piss your pants before."
"Captain, you promised to never mention that." Hanji's voice is quiet, her cheeks dusted over with a deep crimson.
"Levi, you're an asshole." (Y/n) mutters from beside me, a playful smirk playing across her face. I lightly squeeze her hand.
I soon finish eating, departing from everyone. I exit the room, walking outside and into the crisp morning air. The grass glistens with drops of dew. The sun shines in my eyes, causing me to squint. I raise my hand, shielding my face from the bright light.
Recruits begin to file out, lining up before me. (Y/n) is among them.
When everyone is completely silent, standing still and upright, I fold my arm against my chest, my fist resting over my heart, my other arm folded across my back. Everyone immediately mirrors my actions. I peer over and see Connie Springer with a grin on his face. Jean Kirstien also shares the same playful expression. I walk slowly down the line, stopping when I reach them.
"SPRINGER! KIRSTIEN!" I shout loudly, my voice echoing off the trees. Their faces straighten, but I can see the fear in their eyes. "Do you take your jobs seriously?" I demand.
"Yes, sir!" They announce together. I stare them down for a moment. When I see them begin to tremble in terror, I feel pleased. "Show me, then! When you're outside the walls fighting titans it is important that you do not joke around or act silly! Death lurks around every corner."
I continue down the line, before I return to my post at the front of the group. I stare out at the straight faces of a thousand recruits. Perfect.
We work on training exercises, run laps, and then work on combat, when we're well warmed up. I am surprised to find Annie and Eren partnered together. I pass by them as she beats the tar out of him.
I scan the crowd, watching everyone fighting their partner. I stop when I find (Y/n). Part of me wishes that I could hide her away, keep her away from the fight. My heart hurts with every punch she takes. But another part of me, a part that is controlled by intelligence and not feelings, knows she has to go through the training. She could end up receiving worse injuries than the punches of a fellow recruit.
(Y/n) fights against Sasha, receiving a few jabs from her. But then (Y/n) fights back, knocking Sasha​ right off of her feet.
There's something deeply attractive about her while she's in combat. She shows such passion, yet I can still see her caring demeanor.
"Sasha, are you okay?" She offers a hand down to the stunned girl.
"(Y/n)," I say firmly, catching her attention. "Excellent."
She grins, clearly proud of her achievement. I lean closer. "Be careful not to get cocky." As soon as the words​ leave my mouth, Sasha grabs her from behind.
I watch horse face grab hold of Marco Bodt, pinning him against his body and the ground, his hands on the freckled boy's chest. Marco shoves him off, pushing him to the ground instead. He grabs Jean's wrists, holding them over his head.
"This is sparring, not four play, brats." I announce, drawing attention to them.
"Sir..." Marco trails off, his face growing bright red.
"C-CAPTAIN, IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!" Jean protests as he fights to get Marco off of him, his cheeks flushing crimson.
I pass Ymir and Christa. The taller, slender brunette seems reluctant to fight her. The smaller blond grabs her hand. "Ymir, please! You won't hurt me, I promise!"
Braun and Bertoldt jab at each other, the bulkier blond getting more hits in.
Soon we wrap up for the morning. We've still got plenty to do today.

Never Let You Go ▶A Levi Ackerman X Reader◀Where stories live. Discover now