Chapter Fifty-Three

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Levi's POV

I lift my head, kissing her lips softly. I roll off of her. I pull her close to me, her head resting on my chest.

"I can't wait to call you my wife someday." I tell her, running my fingers through her hair.

"(Y/n) Ackerman." She whispers, testing out the name, still breathless. "It fits perfectly."

"I agree, my love." I say, trailing my fingers along her spine.

The crickets chirp all around us, fire flies floating in the air. We peer up through the trees and at the bright stars above.

After a little while of lying together in bliss, we get dressed and pack up the basket. We head back to HQ before going home.

When we walk through the door, I grab her, picking her up, and spinning her in a circle. She seems stunned at first, but giggles.

I smile at her.

"Seeing you smile is rare. But I enjoy it when I see it."

"Well," I say, closing and locking the door behind me. I reach down, taking her hand. "I find happiness in a life with you, darling."

"I feel the same way, Levi." She responds, her smile warmer than the sun.

For the remainder of the night I see her eyes flicker over to her left hand.

"Do you like the ring?" I ask her.

"I love it." She responds, holding up her hand to get a better view. "How did you get it to fit so perfectly?"

"I used a piece of string. I wrapped it around your finger to measure it while you were asleep. It was very simple. You didn't even stir."

"You clever, clever man." She responds, shaking her head.

"That ring was actually my mother's. It was a family heirloom. My grandparents meant to give it to my mother when she got married. But of course, that never happened. And then they died. My uncle had it while I was growing up. He gave it to me before he abandoned me. It was the perfect size for your finger. I only needed to have it cleaned."

"That's amazing."

"Yes." I respond. "It just proves that that ring is meant for you."

She's quiet for a long moment, her eyes on the ring.

"It's just crazy how we found each other." She whispers.

"I agree." I wrap my arm around her waist, pulling her close to me. "I never thought I was capable of falling in love with someone. I thought the years of abuse, the violence, the constant fight to survive as a child... I thought it made me cold to the world. Unlovable. And unable to love. Thank you for showing me otherwise."

Being open with my feelings is odd. I'm not used to it. I'm familiar with bottling up every feeling, thought, and emotion. Holding it in and pushing it down. I began to feel numb to the harshest things.

This is different. Being in love is a new feeling. And I'm still learning how to be a little more normal.

I don't open up about a lot of things. Talking about my past is still very unpleasant. But knowing I'm not facing these things alone anymore makes it a more bearable load to carry. I would never tell anyone that, though.

I kiss her cheek, before standing up. "I'm starting to feel a tired. Do you want to come to bed with me?"

"I'll be up in a few minutes. I'll meet you up there."

I leave her in the living room, climbing the stairs up to our room. I pull off my clothes, leaving on my boxers. I go to the washroom to brush my teeth before I climb under the covers.

After a few minutes she's curling up under the blankets with me. I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her close to me. As usual, she's breathing deeply in little time, her body still, aside from the slight rise and fall of her chest.

I feel the warmth between our body sink into my skin. It makes me feel tired. I peer down at her face, which is against my chest.

The moonlight floods through the partially open curtains. It bathes us in a cool, white light and illuminates the room enough that I can make out her face. I reach down, gently tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. She doesn't stir.

I kiss her forehead, before I let my eyes slip closed.

A short and sweet little chapter. Hope you enjoyed it ❤️

Never Let You Go ▶A Levi Ackerman X Reader◀Where stories live. Discover now