Chapter Eighteen

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Levi's Point of View

I climb into the carriage, which is waiting impatiently for me, sitting on the leather seat next to Erwin.

"What took you so long? You're never late." He asks with annoyance.

"I got sidetracked." I respond simply.

What was really happening is none of his concern. I pull my jacket off, laying it over my lap, in an attempt to hide my erection. Thankfully Erwin doesn't notice my actions.

I think about (Y/n). I feel bad for leaving her in the state she was in. I'd liked to have finished her off, at least.

I brush the thoughts from my mind. I have important business to handle. I need to keep my mind clear.

We pull into the capital of Wall Sina, the large building looming over us. When the carriage halts, we get out. We are escorted up to the office of the old prick, where we are seated across from him at his desk.

He discusses plans for an attack, which he wants us to carry out. He also mentions (Y/n). My eyes immediately snap up to his face.

"How's that pretty little thing you saved? In good condition, I presume?"

"She's fine." I respond, my voice sharper than usual.

"She's a bit more than pretty, sir." One of the men standing behind him mutters.

"I agree, she's quite attractive." The other adds.

I grind my teeth together, biting my tongue. How would they know?

"How did you see her?" Erwin questions.

"She lives here in Wall Rose, does she not?" The old man across from us says.

"Of course. She is one of our recruits." Erwin says.

"Tis a shame. Such a pretty face going to be slaughtered."

Immediately I'm on my feet. "Shut your fucking mouth!" I yell at him.

"Captain Levi!" Erwin shouts, grabbing my arm.

I shove him off, glaring at the old man. "She's not going to die." I spit at him.

"Oh, so there's something less than professional going on between the two of you?" He asks, his voice smooth.

"It isn't any of your business."

"That's fine. But if she gets between you and your job, we will have a problem." His voice has a darker tone.

"Is that a threat?" I demand.

He stares at me for a long moment, his squinted eyes glaring.

"Get out of my office." He finally says.

I glare back at him, before I turn and leave the room.

Erwin emerges a few minutes later and we both walk downstairs and out of the building. When we're seated in the carriage and the driver​ is preparing the horses for departure, Erwin peers over at me.

"Levi, I know you will likely deny it, but is there something going on between you and (Y/n)?"

"It's none of your business, Erwin."


The rest of the ride is ridden in silence.

When we return, I go inside, quickening my pace as I go to my room. I pull off my jacket, hanging it up. I slip off my boots, before crossing the room. I sit in my arm chair, pulling a cigarette and match out of my pocket. I light the match, pinning the end of the cigarette between my lips. I light it, puffing on it until smoke fills mouth. I inhale deeply, sighing.

I rest my head against the back of the chair, peering up at the ceiling. Smoke floats in my line of vision. I take another drag on my cigarette before I put it out in the ashtray. I really need to quit.

I just sit in silence, thankful to not be bugged by anyone. Though as I peer at my bed and am reminded of last night, I decide to go find (Y/n). Her presence is comforting.

I wander around, finding her making a cup of tea in the kitchen. She smiles as she sees me, before reaching up and grabbing another cup. "Back so soon?"

"Yes, thankfully." I respond, hopping up onto the counter.

She pours tea into two cups, handing one to me. I thank her before she asks how it went.

"It went fine." I lie. I don't want her to know what they said.


I peer over at her face. They were wrong. She's more than pretty or attractive. She's absolutely beautiful. No one can compare to her. Her sunny disposition and caring personality differ so much from my own. I think we balance each other out.

I am also reminded of the words the old man spoke, about her being on her way to be slaughtered. I can't let her die. And I refuse to. I won't let anything ever happen to her. And I'm certain of that.

I take her hand, pulling her close. I kiss her forehead, resting my cheek against her head.

"I'll never let you go." I whisper to her. "I'll keep you safe, I promise."

She studies my face for a moment before she hugs me tight. "Are you okay?"

"Of course."

"Okay. You just look upset."

I stroke her hair, thinking of the old man, anger bubbling inside of me again. I shouldn't let his words get to me. What does he know? He just thinks he's higher than everyone else on the mortality chain, since he sits on his ass in that castle all day. He doesn't know the first thing about fighting. He doesn't know the half of it. But I still hold her tighter.

Never Let You Go ▶A Levi Ackerman X Reader◀Where stories live. Discover now