Chapter Thirty-Five

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Your POV

I awake in a little darkroom, which I recognize. It was the same room I stayed in while I was recovering after the attack of Shiganshina. I'm in the infirmary wing. I don't remember anything after practice. I was running suicides in the training field and I started feeling light-headed. Before I knew it I'd passed out on the area. How did I get here?

As if on cue Hanji enters the room. She sees that I'm awake and she smiles. She pauses, peeking her head in the hall. 

"Levi, she's awake! I told you it wouldn't be long."

"How long was I out?" I ask. 

"A few hours."

Levi bursts into the room. He nearly pushes Hanji aside. I sit up as he sits on my bed, pulling me close. "Don't do that again." He mutters. 

"What, pass out? I think you're just as much at fault, as me, honey."

"She's right, Levi."

"What happened anyway?" 

"I'll leave you two," Hanji says quietly, turning and slipping out of the room, pulling it closed behind her. 

"Levi, what's wrong?" I ask, suddenly concerned. 

"There's nothing wrong, (Y/n). Don't worry." He takes my hands in his, ducking his head so that his eyes meet mine. "You passed out in the field today because you're pregnant." 

"Wait, what? I am?" I can't help, but grin. I peer down at my stomach, my hands delicately over my skin. "Our baby is in here?"

"Yes, it is." 

I meet his gaze. "I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant, Levi." I have to say it a few times to believe it. 

"Yes, I know, baby. I knew before you did." He pulls me close, his lips pressing against my forehead. "Why didn't you tell me your period was due weeks ago? You told Hanji, but not me." 

"I didn't know if I was pregnant, but just in case I didn't want to tell you so you wouldn't get your hopes up... Either that or be upset."

"Do you think I'd be upset because you're pregnant?"

"Well, I know you live here and work here, and like you said this morning, you need to be here. I wouldn't want to disrupt any of that. I know you have important things to do. And I didn't know if you wanted to be a father yet." 

"(Y/n), you don't need to worry about that. I wasn't trying to get you pregnant, but at the same time, I wasn't trying to keep you from pregnant. I'm happy you're carrying our child. I'm happy that we're going to be parents. And I love you very much. Nothing will ever change that."

"I love you too, Levi," I say, relieved. I kiss his lips. 

"What does this mean? What will we do now?"

"Well, this isn't the greatest place to raise a child. There are dangerous things everywhere. Also, there are too many people around. I think you had the right idea this morning. We should get a place. Also, you won't be able to fight for a while. Not until the baby is a little older. I'll take some time off as well. You won't be alone." 

"I'm excited." 

"Me too."

When we leave the room Hanji is bubbling over with excitement. "So? Did you tell her?"

"How could I not?" Levi says, rolling his eyes. 

As we begin to walk away he grabs my hand. "I need to go talk to Erwin. You can come with me if you'd like. I must tell him the news and make arrangements for our move." 

"Okay." I smile.

Erwin is happy to hear our news. But he also looks sad. "We'll miss having you here every day, cadet." He says to me. 

"Thank you, Commander. I'll miss you guys, too. But I mean, I'll come in as often as I can. I won't be dead. I'll be back." 

He reaches across the table, his massive hand lying over mine. "I think I can speak on behalf of the recon corps when I say we look forward to it."

He should say most of the recon corps. It's no secret Petra has a thing for Levi and you can see that our relationship isn't easy for her, which she takes out on me. I feel sorry for her. I couldn't imagine being in her position. 

Levi explains our plans to move nearby, so we'll have our place, which Erwin agrees is a good idea. We'll start looking for houses as soon as possible. We want to be well settled in before our baby is born.

Over the next few weeks, we are taken on tours of many different houses. Most are old, some are new. Money isn't an issue, so we can buy whatever we want. Of course, as long as it's within riding distance of HQ. 

We find the perfect house. It's a big, two-story house. The outside of the house is grey, stone panelling, with a big, wraparound porch. There is a big backyard with plenty of playing space. It is perfect. 

We are due to move in next week after some mild renovations.

I insist we have a fence built around our property. 

Never Let You Go ▶A Levi Ackerman X Reader◀Where stories live. Discover now