Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Your POV
A month later

I look in the mirror, turning so that my torso is facing sideways. I rest my hand over my bulging stomach. It looks really big. Like, bigger than it should be at two months. 
I begin to feel worried. Is the baby growing faster than it should be? I'll stop by and talk to Hanji in a bit while Levi is working.
I pull a beige dress over my head, dresses being the one thing that still fits me properly, considering I'm growing at an alarming rate.
I slide my feet into my riding boots and I grab my purse. I walk to the stable alongside the house where George is.
I enter the barn, unhooking his reigns.
"Come on, George." I say quietly as I put his saddle on him. I guide him out of the little building, and climb on his back. I lightly nudge him and he begins to trot along the cobblestone path.
When we reach the road I nudge him a little harder, and he takes off running.
In a short time we reach HQ. I hook George up to the side of the building near the entrance, giving him enough rope to be able to eat some grass.
I enter the building, closing the door behind me. I make my way to Hanji's office, getting some waves along the way.
Thankfully she's in there. I peek my head in her door, finding her chatting away with Petra. The younger ginger sees me, her eyes darkening in a sinister way. I feel my eyes widen a little.
"Ah, (Y/n)! It's good to see you! What brings you here?" She speaks with excitement.
"Oh, it can wait-" I begin, stepping back. Suddenly Petra appears, pushing past Hanji and me.
"Actually, I was just leaving." Her voice is thick with hatred. I can sense the way it rolls off of her in waves. I'm beginning to find it harder to feel bad for her, when she acts like this.
I step into Hanji's office, closing the door firmly behind us, making sure no one is within hearing range.
"Hey, you look worried. Is everything okay?" She says, her face melting into a less happy expression.
"Here, look at this." I say, pulling my dress over my head, leaving me in just my underwear and bra.
She seems to notice what concerned me.
"Mind if I..." She begins, her hands hovering over my stomach.
"Not at all, Hanji."
She touches my stomach, pressing firmly in different places. She seems confused.
"Here, lie on the table."
I follow her instructions, lying on the padded table. She grabs her stethoscope, pulling it up to hear through it. She presses it on one side of my stomach. Her expression worries me. She then presses it on the other side, listening hard.
She pulls it down to rest around her neck, before she begins to press my stomach in different areas.
Her eyes widen.
"Hanji, what is it?"
"I think Levi should be here for this. You may need his strength."
She pulls a blanket out, pulling it over my body.
I feel all colour drain from my face. What's wrong with my baby?
Hanji turns to the door, opening it. She peers into the hallway.
"Oi, Commander Erwin!"
"Yes, Hanji?" I hear his booming voice reply.
"Where's Captain Levi?"
"He should be finishing today's training. Why, is everything okay?" At this point he's at her door, his eyes peering by her and landing on me. I can sense his concern.
"I need him immediately." Hanji is firm, almost commanding.
"I'll go find him."
"Don't say anything. Just tell him to come here immediately and say that it is very urgent."
"Absolutely." And from there Erwin disappears.
Hanji returns to me, grabbing my hand. Her eyes peer into mine. I can sense her unease. I wish to ask what the issue is, but I know she won't say a peep until Levi arrives.
Levi comes bursting through her office door moments later, still fully clothes in his survey corps uniform and cloak. His eyes widen.
"I came here as fast as I could. What is it?" Levi demands as he comes to my side.
"I have something to tell you. And it may not be easy. Which is why I needed you here for her." Hanji says slowly, pulling her stethoscope off her neck. She pulls the blanket down to reveal my stomach. She hands the stethoscope to Levi, instructing that he put it on. He obliges, a look of concern on his usually bored face.
"Listen to this." Hanji says, laying the circular end of the stethoscope over my stomach, going from the left side to the right. "Do you hear that?"
"There are..." Levi trails off, his eyes widening.
"You hear it, too, then."
"What is it?" I demand, angry that I am being left in the dark on the condition of my baby.
"Here, you listen." Hanji says.
Just as she had with Levi, she lets me listen to my baby's heartbeat. I immediately feel tears prick my eyes.
"Don't get emotional yet. Keep listening."
When she moves it from the right to the left side, I notice something different. My eyes widen. I look from Levi to Hanji.
"Is that..."
I take the end of the stethoscope from Hanji, moving it myself. In each side of my tummy I hear the persistent thrums of two different heartbeats. They thrum at their own paces.
"Oh my God." I say in disbelief, my voice breaking. "It makes sense." Tears stream down my cheeks.
"(Y/n), you're having twins."
I feel Levi's hand grasp mine.
"Hanji, you scared the shit out of me!" I yell at her. "You made me think I'd lost my baby. I got really scared..." And suddenly I'm crying from both the shock and fear, and from happiness.
"(Y/n)!" Levi says with alarm, his arms wrapping around me.
"I'm sorry, (Y/n). I just thought it would be important that Levi were here for the news, too."
"I know. I'm sorry for snapping at you."
She reaches down, grabbing my hand. "Good luck, my dear." I can see the humor in her eyes.
I smile amidst the tears.
I put my dress on and Hanji lets us out. As soon as we're in the hall Levi stumbles, falling to his knees. His expression seems dazed.
"Twins? We're having twins?"
"Levi, what's wrong?"
"We're not having one baby. We're having two. What am I supposed to do?"
I take his hands, pulling him to his feet. I hug him tight. I feel surprised that he'd react like that. Normally he wouldn't show hardly a flicker of emotion, let alone collapse in the hall.
"We'll figure it out. We can do this. Trust me."
"I really hope you're right." He responds, sounding both nervous, and shocked at the same time.

Never Let You Go ▶A Levi Ackerman X Reader◀Where stories live. Discover now