Chapter Sixteen

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Your Point of View

I tuck him in, pulling the blanket up under his chin. I reach down, gently wiping a spot of blood off of his forehead. I stay with him for a few minutes, until I know he's asleep, then I turn to walk away.

I open the door, the hinges squeaking loudly. I cringe, waiting for a moment to see if I'd woken him.

"(Y/n)," I hear Levi say quietly after a moment. "Stay."

I turn around, seeing him now awake, peering over at me, his eyes barely open.

"Yes, Captain." I respond, closing the door. I walk over, sitting on the edge of his bed.

"You can lie down." He mutters, his eyes closing again.

I pull off my sweater, slipping my feet out of my boots. I crawl under the blankets beside him. I have to cuddle close to him, due to the small size of the single bed, but I don't mind.

I lean over, kissing his forehead. His mouth twitches into the faintest smile.

I intertwine our fingers under the blankets, closing my eyes. I focus on the sound of his breathing and soon I feel the consequence of staying up last night kicking in. In little time I drift off by his side.


"Mommy." I hear from behind me.

I turn around, seeing a young girl standing behind me, a bouquet of orchids gripped between her small hands. Her long black hair blows in the breeze, strands drifting across her face. She smiles at me, handing the bouquet to me.

A little hand wraps around the fingers of my free hand. I peer over, finding a little boy grinning up at me. Then an arm wraps around my shoulders from the other side.

"Isn't it nice, tonight?" A familiar voice asks.

My eyes widen and I look over to find Levi by my side. Despite the situation, I sense a familiarity to it. Like I've been here before. I know I'm supposed to be here.

"It is." I respond.

"I made some tea. Would you like a cup?"

"Yes, please."

I follow Levi to the tall house behind us, the children following. He goes inside, the kids pulling me towards a glass table on the back porch. I sit down on a chair, the little boy crawling on my lap and curling up against me. The little girl sits beside me. I set the bouquet of orchids on the table.

Levi returns after a few moments. He looks towards the girl. "Julia, your friend is at the door." He sets my cup on a coaster before me.

"Okay!" She says with excitement, jumping up and running into the house.

"Take off your shoes!" Levi calls after her.

He peers across the table at me, placing his hand over mine, which is resting on the glass surface.

"You're quiet. Are you okay, darling?" His voice isn't as bored and monotone as it usually is. He seems to have more feeling, more happiness.

"I'm okay." I respond.

"Mum, you're cold." The boy says.

I peer down at the flowing sundress that I'm wearing. It's knee-length, purple, and covered in tiny little white flowers. The hand the little boy tugs on has a glistening rock on the ring finger.

"You are cold. Let me get you a blanket." Levi says.

He gets up, leaving me with the boy. I peer down at the kid. His haircut is similar to Levi's. I reach down, stroking his silky hair gently. The cut on my arm has long since scarred.

Levi's returns with a silky white blanket. He drapes it around my shoulders, leaning in, planting a kiss on my neck.


I awake to the sound of voices. I feel cold. I reach over, finding Levi's spot empty, but warm.

I peer around, blinking a few times. I see Levi talking to Erwin. The room is dark, aside from the light flooding into the room through the doorway, casting long shadows of their forms across the floor.

I pull the blanket over me and roll onto my side, waiting for them to finish their conversation.

I can't help, but think about my quickly fading dream. It leaves me feeling warm and happy inside. If Levi were the one I'd spend the rest of my life with, I'd be very happy. I do love him, after all.

My neck tingles and I reach up, touching the spot. It feels slightly damp, like it has been touched by lips. My eyes dart over to Levi. I notice him peering back at me. He gives me a wink.

I am reminded of the place where he kissed me in my dream. It was there. I feel my cheeks grow slightly warm.

I lie back, staring up at the darkened ceiling, butterflies floating around my stomach. I smile into the darkness like an idiot.

When Erwin leaves, Levi returns to bed, laying gently beside me.

"How are you feeling?" I question.

"I feel fine. Just exhausted still." He responds, his eyes running across the ceiling. He's quiet for a moment.
"How much of that did you hear?"

"Nothing. I wasn't paying attention.  Why, Captain?"

"No reason. I was just curious. Some things about you were mentioned."

"Oh really?" Why would they possibly talk about me?

"Yes. Erwin wanted to talk to you about your training. But when he went to your room, you were gone."

"Oh no. Did he see me in here?"

"No." His eyes meet mine. "He's not very observant."

"Would it have been a big deal if I got caught?"

"I'm the Captain. I can do whomever or whatever I want."

My cheeks grow warm. Why do I get flustered so easily?

"Yeah." I laugh softly. It clearly shows my embarrassment. He takes notice, smirking.

Never Let You Go ▶A Levi Ackerman X Reader◀Where stories live. Discover now