Chapter Fifty-Eight

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I see the slick, black boots of some recruits before me, a long white sheet in the hands of one of them dangling on the ground. They've come to take her body.

A hand rests on my shoulder. I jerk away from their touch, lifting her into my arms. I hold her close, now noticing how cold she has already gotten.

"Captain, we've got to wrap her up." Someone says.

I take the sheet from them, carrying her over to the carriage. Hanji helps me lay it out and I wrap her in it. I don't let her go. I hold her near to me, knowing this is the last time I'll be able to touch her.

"We're going home, Captain." I hear Hanji say after a few minutes. "We have your horses."

I don't say anything, not being able to find the proper words to thank her. I just nod once.

As we begin the bumpy ride back, my mind begins to descend into a spiral of dark thoughts. I've lost everyone close to me. First was my mom. Then Farlan and Isabel. Recently was my team, and Erwin. Now it's her.

The only thing in this world that could make me feel happy, or calm, or whole is gone. She was in my life for a short few years, but it was the best time of my life.

I pull back the sheet, peering down at her face. Bruises and scratches litter her skin, her blood beginning to dry.

I pull a white cloth from my pocket, pouring some water from my canteen onto it. I wipe her face with slow, gentle movements, as if she could somehow feel it.

Blood has seeped through the white sheet, leaving ugly crimson splotches on the bright fabric. The biggest spot is by her right, where her arm was bitten off. It has begun to leak onto the wooden floor of the carriage.

We pull into the city and I can hear the sound of cheers all around, seeing that we didn't have many casualties. I hear someone mention my name.

We keep going, all the way to HQ, the ride seeming like an eternity. It really gives me time to fully realize that she's gone, watching her lay beside me, unmoving, for such a long time.

At the same time I regret being with her​ body. This will be my last memory of her.

I don't notice when the cart stops, my mind in another universe. Hanji says my name, bringing me back to a harsh reality.

"Levi." She doesn't meet my gaze, her eyes on (Y/n)'s body. "We're back."

I nod, pulling (Y/n)'s body into my arms. I carry her off the carriage and upstairs to the medical wing, Hanji guiding the way through the building.

It seems darker, like the lights aren't as bright as before.

We enter a room with a bed, a sink in the corner. This is the morgue. I've been in here a few times.

"Lay her here." Hanji says, standing beside a wooden slab. The wood is stained with blood. I do as directed, my movements feeling mechanical, like I'm not in control of my body.

"I'll clean her up. In the meantime you should go home. You're a mess, too."

"I... I..." I stammer, my eyes widening, my gaze on her. "I need to be here. I can't leave her."

"Levi, staying here would only be more detrimental to your mental health. Please, you should go."

"Hanji, please, let me stay. Just a little longer." I feel tears run down my cheeks.

She pauses for a moment before nodding.

"Alright, Levi. But there will be a point when you have to go."

Never Let You Go ▶A Levi Ackerman X Reader◀Where stories live. Discover now