Chapter Thirty-Four

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Levi's POV

Later that day I ran drills. They're fairly simple. First, we have laps. Then, push-ups and sit-ups. Next, suicides and jumping jacks. And lastly, more laps.

It's a harsh workout, but our trainees are in peak condition.

I salute, the row of trainees saluting after me.

"Okay, brats!" I yell, making sure all of them can hear me. "For you to be in the best condition possible we're pushing you! If you're not challenged enough you're not working hard enough. To start we'll be running laps for twenty minutes."

I can hear some groans.

"Thanks to the groaners, make that twenty-five minutes. Any of you shits want to make any more complaints?" I hear total silence, aside from a crow in the distance.

"Excellent. Time starts... Now!"

I watch as they run, all 1000 trainees moving in unison. The first few laps pass quickly.

I watch the timer and the trainees, shouting at stragglers.
I spot (Y/n) towards the front of the flock. She's panting, her face slightly red. But she looks okay.

I've been pushing her during her training with me. This shouldn't be much work.

Eren Yaeger trips and falls, knocking Jean down with him.

"On your feet, brats! How can you survive a Titan attack if you're tripping over each other?"

By the end of the twenty-five minutes, I catch some dirty glances. It's not like this is the first time we've done this, so they know what to expect.

"Up next we have sit-ups and push-ups! Do 100 of each in 4 minutes. Then we'll move on to something else."

Once again I time them, watching to see who especially struggles. Strength is almost more important than stamina. If you can't handle your blades while you're ripping open Titans you're no good.

Mikasa is finished first, sitting on the ground with her legs crossed, telling Eren to "keep going".

Next, I surprise them with burpees. They did the last exercise well. Which means they need to be pushed harder.

I walk around, pointing out flaws and nodding at those doing well. Sometimes I don't need to be so hard on them. But at the same time, I usually do.

I tell them when it's time to move on to suicides. There are white lines painted across the stone platform. They run from the starting point to the first line, then back. Then they run to the second line and back. I notice someone who's getting behind. To my surprise, it's (Y/n).

"(L/n), come on, now!"

Suddenly she collapses onto the ground. I jump to my feet, my heart stopping, waiting for her to get up. After a moment she doesn't budge.

"Everyone halt!" I shout, all of the trainees stopping in their tracks. They seem glad. I sprint over to (Y/n)'s still form, my heart stopping when she doesn't. She didn't trip. She's down for a reason.

I kneel on the ground beside her. She's passed out cold.
I pick her up, walking briskly across the field.

"Erwin, take over, please," I say, worry lacing my voice.

"What's wrong with her?"

"I have no fucking idea. I need to take her to Hanji."

"She's in her office." He says, his brow furrowed.

I nearly run through the building, all the way upstairs. I don't want to jostle her too much, since I don't know what's wrong with her. Did I push her too hard?

"Hanji!" I yell as I'm coming down the hall. The next moment she's outside her office, her eyes widening as she sees us.

"Captain, what happened?" She cries.

"She collapsed on the field during drills."

"She's done these drills before, hasn't she?"

"Yes," I respond. I try to think of anything different about today. I can't think of anything until I run my fingers through my hair. I am reminded of the way she did that this morning... In the shower... While we were... My face fills with heat.

"What was different this time, then?" Hanji says as if reading my mind.

I know we hadn't had shower sex up until this morning, but could it have affected her performance during the drills? It seems unlikely. But she did seem worn out afterwards...

"Have you thought of anything?"

"Well, I mean..." I feel my cheeks burn. I can't believe this.

She looks at me expectantly. "Yes? I haven't got all day. And neither does she."

I step closer to her, shutting the door before I mutter a word. "We... Tried something different."

"What did you do?"

"In... The shower. She seemed tired afterwards."

"Wait, what..." She seems confused for a moment. Then she understands. "Oh my God, Captain... Feeling adventurous, are we now?"

"Shut up. Could that have affected her in this way?"

"Unless you caused internal bleeding somewhere, which is highly unlikely and would've affected her sooner... No. That does make me think of something that might be the cause..."

She pulls up (Y/n)'s shirt, pressing onto her stomach in different places. She stops, grabbing her stethoscope. She connects one end to her ears, the other pressing onto her stomach. Her eyes widen. 

"Sir, have you used protection recently?"

"Protection? No. We never do."

"That... Makes sense."

"Why? What's going on?"

"Levi, do you notice anything different about her? Look at her stomach. Also, when did she last have her period?"

Now that she brings it up, I can't remember when she had it last. It's been more than a month, though. Also, her stomach looks more round than normal.

"Sir, she came here two weeks ago because her period was a week late. I told her to wait a little while because it would be easier to tell. And now I have my answer. It's what has caused her to pass out. And she'll be fine. She'll wake up any time."

"Is she..."

"Yes, Captain. She's pregnant."

Never Let You Go ▶A Levi Ackerman X Reader◀Where stories live. Discover now