Chapter Fourteen

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Two weeks later

Her training is going well. She has been well​ informed about Titans, and once her arm is healed, she'll begin physical training. As more time goes on, I find myself falling harder and harder for her. It feels as if she is the center of my universe. Suddenly the fight against the Titans feels more important now that she's around.

Hanji is the only one who is aware of my feelings, and simply because she is incredibly observant and full of curiosity. She always noticed when something about me changes.

"You're always different when she's around, Captain." Hanji told me yesterday. "As soon as she enters a room, you immediately perk right up."

I don't like explaining my feelings to anyone. I'm not used to feeling such a love for another individual. But there's something about her.

Her voice is like a magnificent chorus of violins and flutes, playing a sweet time. Her eyes are like deep wells of colour, windows reflecting the beautiful soul inside her. The simplest thought of her puts the slightest spring in my step. It feels as if the world is more bearable.
It is the strangest thing, but it is a wonderful feeling.

Your Point of View

Word has gotten out that a fellow recruit, Eren Yaeger, has the ability to transform into a Titan. And that his ability to transform may help us reclaim Wall Rose. They're planning a fight.

I know I won't be joining them. But as I sit under a tall tree, the romance novel in hand, I wonder how many faces that I see everyday, will disappear? How many will we lose this time?

I also worry about Levi. He's going to be fighting. And I know he's the best fighter in the Scout Regiment, but the thought of him in Titan territory frightens me.

I don't know what I would do if something happened to him.
But I need to trust that he will come back. His squad is great at what they do. They won't let him get hurt.

"Hey." I hear from behind me. I look around the large tree trunk I was leaning against, seeing Levi walking my way. He sits in the grass beside me.

"Hello, Sir." I say.

He studies my face for a moment. "Is something wrong?"

"No, I'm fine." I lie. He can't know of my worry. What kind of recruit would I be if I couldn't trust my superiors?

"Clearly something is wrong. You normally look happy."

"Well, I'm just worried about everyone. I know people will die. And I don't want it to be anyone I care about."

"Yes, people always die. But it's what they signed up for." He looks thoughtful for a moment. "Have you made friends yet? I never see you talking to anyone."

"I talk to you and Hanji. Commander Erwin has been talking to me a lot lately as well. But that's about it."

"So, you're worried about Hanji, Erwin, and I?"

I feel my cheeks grow warm. "Yeah..."

"We're some of the best around. We'll come back. Have more faith."

"I know, sir. I apologise." I say quietly, looking down at the grass.

He reaches down, taking my hand in his. My eyes meet his. He stares at me for a long moment, when suddenly his face comes closer to mine. I feel frightened. I don't move.
As his nose brushes mine, I close my eyes. His lips touch mine, and I lean closer, pressing them together. He kisses me softly, his free hand cupping my cheek. Despite my inexperience, the kiss is sweet, gentle.

He pulls away after a moment. He presses his forehead against mine.

"You'll see me again. I promise."


He pecks my lips one more time before he gets up, leaving me in the grass with my novel.

Later on I wander into the dining room for supper. I sit beside Levi, where there is a spot waiting for me. I slip my hand over, snaking my fingers around his. He holds my hand tight. I mean it to be comforting to him, since I know he's fighting tomorrow. But I know I'm more comforted by the contact than he is.

I don't eat much of my dinner. I'm not very hungry.

Afterwards, the recruits fighting tomorrow train a little bit, making sure their ODM gear is working properly. They also prepare their uniforms and supplies. They're leaving first thing in the morning.

Hanji made orders that I stay behind, rest my arm, and review my notes. Though I know I'll be the only one left behind. Aside from some kitchen staff.

When it gets late, I retire to my room, to get some reading done. I am combing over a section about disabling Titans when my door opens. Levi closes it behind him. He walks over, sitting on the edge of my of bed.

"Hello, Sir."

"(Y/n), you may call me Levi when we're alone."

"Sorry, it's just habit to call you sir." I set my notebook aside, peering at him. "You should be sleeping. You have a lot to do tomorrow."

"It's fine, I don't sleep much anyway. I was going to get a cup of tea, but I saw your light on, so I came in here instead. Shouldn't you be sleeping?"

"I can't sleep." I admit.

"Ah. Want to come get some tea with me?"


We walk down to the kitchen, where Levi puts the old tin kettle on the stove. He takes it off before it whistles too loud.

We go to the lounge to sip our tea. I curl up on the worn brown couch, hugging my knees to my chest.
We talk to each other, the time ticking away. I soon find myself becoming drowsy and my eyelids droop. I rest my head against the back of the couch, listening to Levi talk about his favourite kind of tea.

Levi's Point of View

I hear (Y/n) breathe​ deeply. I peer over at her. Her eyes are closed, her head leaned back, her chest rising and falling. She fell asleep.

I get up, carefully sliding my arms under her legs and neck, carrying her upstairs. She stirs as we reach the stairs, her arms wrapping around my neck. She rests her head against my shoulder.

I slip into her dark room, gently laying her on her bed. I pull the blankets over her still form, tucking her in. When she's secure, I leave her, and go upstairs to my room.

Never Let You Go ▶A Levi Ackerman X Reader◀Where stories live. Discover now