Chapter Fourty-Nine

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Levi's POV

I exit the room, closing the door tight behind me. I jog down the stairs and outside. The air is cool. The grass is still slick with dew, the sun just barely peeking out from behind a cluster of dark clouds. It looks like rain is near.

I lock the door behind me before I circle the house. It takes me a moment to find the nursery window. There are big chunks of glass littering the grass, and just visible footprints in the dew. Cautious, I follow them, finding that they lead out to the dirt road. I lose track of them after that. I sigh, angry and defeated, before I go back inside.

I grab a bag and pack clothes for all of us, as well as some cloth diapers and blankets. I go back outside, pulling the cart to the front of the house. I toss our bags in. When I go back inside I find (Y/n) dressed, her purse and the babies in the stroller. The air feels colder sitting on the front of the cart, guiding the horses to HQ.

When we pull up front and get out, the few recruits outside take notice of us. Christa gets up from her seat on the bench, where her and Ymir had leisurely been chatting. She grabs the taller brunette's hand, dragging her along behind her. I know she's coming to talk to (Y/n). The two are friends and haven't talked since before she gave birth. Talking to people will be good for her. I know she misses everyone, and it will help to calm her after what happened this morning.

As soon as Christa reaches us, I take (Y/n)'s hand. "Ladies, if you want to talk, it will have to be in the lounge by the fireside. The babies need warmth." The part about the babies needing to stay warm is true, but I know if they're in the lounge they will be safe.

"Yes, sir." She responds, a smile on her face.

"Okay, hon. I'll see you in a bit." (Y/n) tells me, leaning in and pecking my lips quickly.

"I'll be in soon."

At that she makes her way inside, pushing the stroller with the babies. I'm not concerned about them being touched, since I had Erwin give a special command to all recruits, notifying the brats on their arrival, and that they aren't allowed to go near them unless otherwise instructed.

Knowing my family is secure, I feel at ease and more relaxed. I head into the building and up to Erwin's office. I knock, but the door is slightly cracked, so it opens enough for him to see it's me.

"Captain, you know you have the day off. Why aren't you with your family?"

"Hello Commander. This morning I was rudely awakened." I begin, reaching into my pocket. I pull the rock out, setting it on his desk. "This came flying through the nursery window this morning."

"What?" His eyes widen. "Someone threw a rock through your window?"

"Yes. While (Y/n) was breastfeeding Kuchel. It could've hit either of them. I had to pick glass out of (Y/n)'s hair."

"This is serious. A rock this size could've killed either of them."

"Yes, it could've. Which is why this needs to be reported to the Military Police immediately. And I need someone to fix the window."

"I will have someone send for both immediately. Thank you bringing this to my attention."

"We will be staying here for the night. Just to be safe. Can you have Hanji deliver two bassinets to my office?"

"Yes, Levi. I will do that." Erwin responds. His eyes meet mine. He stares for a moment. "Are you alright?" His voice is softer this time, and quieter.

I mutter a quick thank you before I slip out of his office, ignoring his question.


That night we settle down in my old room. It's still intact, but emptier since most of my belongings are at home. The babies are sound asleep and have been on and off for hours. (Y/n) and I are snuggled tight together on the single bed. She falls asleep quickly, her chest rising and falling as she breathes deeply. I lightly stroke her silky hair, wordlessly enjoying her existence. 

It's been a long time since we've been here together. It brings back an ocean of memories from our earliest days together. I tighten my arms around her waist, pulling her closer to me. I place a gentle kiss on the back of her neck. 

"Levi..." She murmurs softly.

At first, it seems that I have woken her. But her words are followed by her usual deep slumbering breaths. 

Never Let You Go ▶A Levi Ackerman X Reader◀Where stories live. Discover now