Chapter Forty-Three

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One week later
Levi's POV

It's her. The female Titan. We know who it is. Today we fight back. Today we'll get her.
With Erwin, Armin, Eren, and Mikasa were brought to me. Armin brought up that he thinks it could be Annie and he gave a very convincing argument.
Armin had a plan to test and see if it is her. And it is she'll be captured and justice will be served.
We'll be approaching her in the same district HQ is set up in, which means it won't be far from where (Y/n) and I live. If anything goes wrong we have to evacuate residents immediately.
I join my new squad, which consists of Erwin, myself, Mike and Hanji and we prepare for the capture.
The plan is to hide and wait for the trio to convince her to come down to the underground. From there we can capture her without a risk of her shifting.
Due to my injury I'll be sitting this one out. But my help will still be needed.
Mikasa apologizes for her recklessness, which helped to cause my injury. But it's not use. I wave her away.
We have troops hiding, preparing to jump on the traitor. Mikasa, Eren, and Armin walk with Annie, suggesting they go underground to avoid being detected. But Annie seems suspicious. She knows something is up. Our plan won't work.
We wait anxiously for Armin to shoot off the grenade signal. Annie laughs hysterically, throwing her head back. Her voice echoes off the buildings around her. Then we hear the signal and we pounce. Soliders grab her, but in a flash, she transforms.
We see the steam rising high in the sky from across the city.
"Is that... Steam?" I hear some say. "Is there a Titan in wall Rose?"
"Send out all troops!" Erwin instructs the military police. "Send out everyone you can. Something is coming."
We can feel the ground beneath our feet shake, a crashing sound in the distance filling the air.
We see her, next. Even though we're far away we see her Titan form as she soars high into the sky. Our plan has backfired.
Everyone who is able to fight is dispersed, preparing for the fight that is to come.
It isn't long before another stream of steam fills the air, followed by a loud scream. It's Eren. He's transformed.
The crashing sound gets lifer, the ground trembling underneath our feet as if an earthquake is overtaking the city. I hear the screams of people, crowds fleeing for safety.
I grab my horse, jumping on it. I ride through the crumbling city, watching as the two giants battle for their lives. Eren punches her, his fist shattering the side of her face, the sound of their bodies colliding like boulders crashing together.
She flies backward, crashing into a temple of wall worshippers. She quickly gets to her feet, turning and running. She flees, the only thing before her being the wide open city and the wall. My eyes widen. She's going to try to escape.
Recruits use their ODM gear to try to stop her, attacking her limbs, but her hardening skin ability crushes their blades. She doesn't fight back. She just runs like her life depends on it.
She reaches the wall, digging her fingers into it, climbing it. She moves fast, scrambling half way up the wall over the course of several seconds.
She's going to escape. We've lost our chance.
Suddenly, a streak of black and green flashes across the sky, the glint of the sun hitting the blades. It's Mikasa. She slices cleanly through the Titan's fingers. We all hold our breath for what feels like forever. Annie falls down, landing hard on the ground below her, the entire city shaking, old buildings creaking loudly in protest.
Eren pounces on her, punching her over and over. When her face is crushed he leans in, biting her neck. He rips her body apart, stopping when her human body appears, steam billowing into the sky.
But.. something is wrong. Her body is encased in a thick crystal. Blades crumble against it's surface. We can't break into it.
"Take her into custody!" Erwin announces. "We have captured the traitor!"
Though this should be considered a victorious moment, it feels all in vain, since we can't say anything to her while she's encased in this transparent crystal.
"What... Is that?" I hear someone say.
My eyes meet the direction the person is pointing, watching a place in the wall crumble. Pieces of the stone fall away, revealing waht appears to be the face of... A Titan?
Hanji gasps. "Is there a Titan in the wall? How did it get there?"
The military police take the liberty of escorting curious residents to a safer area and prepare for clean up. Hanji is about to use her ODM gear to get a closer look at the Titan's face when a wall worshipper shrieks.
"Cover the face! Don't let the sunlight touch it! Cover it now!"

We find a massive tarp, using ropes to hang it over the wall and cover up the Titan.
Annie is transported to the underground where she can't escape, even if she tried.
And the tired scouting legion heads back to HQ for some much needed rest. There weren't many casualties today, and we captured a traitor.

2 days later

I ride to the capital, where my squad meets with the main squads from the military police. We have a major discussion with the head Commander to update him on the situation. We explain that we captured her and have her undergoing.
"So... This was all in vain?"
"I think we have succeeded. We have found out there are more like her. And we will catch them all. Every. Last. One."
Suddenly a scared woman bursts into the room. "Commander Erwin! Wall Rose has been breached!"

Never Let You Go ▶A Levi Ackerman X Reader◀Where stories live. Discover now