Chapter Nineteen

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(A/N- I've added this song to set a mood when you read the forest scene. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do ❤)

Your Point of View

He takes my hand, ending our embrace, pulling me along with him. He walks through the castle, eyes on us the entire way. He doesn't care? Maybe he knows that everyone knows something is going on between us.

"Where are we going?" I ask him.

"I want to show you a special place. It's outside."

We exit the building and enter the treeline. We walk through brush and bushes. I have trouble keeping up with his skilled legs. I'm not coordinated enough. He takes notice, stopping. He bends his knees.

"Get on my back." He says.
"Are you sure? I might he too heavy..." Seeing how thing his frame is makes me reluctant and a little self-conscious to hop on him.

"Do you doubt my strength?"

I shake my head and nervously climb on his back.  I wrap my arms around his neck, hopping up. He grabs my thighs, holding me up effortlessly.

"You're not even heavy. Don't you remember that I've carried you before?"

"I don't know what I was thinking." I admit, feeling slightly embarrassed about my doubts.

He begins to walk, his movements still smooth and graceful, even with my added weight.

He hops over a log, my body rubbing against his as he moves.

Being this close to him I can smell the fresh scent of shampoo and cologne.

He walks a little farther, stopping when we reach a clearing. The sun shines on us from high overhead. He sets me on my feet.

"This is one of my favourite places." He says, looking around the small area.

Wild flowers poke through the grassy area, scattering the ground with different colours. I notice a new plant that sticks out from the rest. Orchids. They look freshly planted, the ground around it covered in dirt. They sit beside a small stream.

"Did you plant those?" I question.

He nods.

"How did you know I like orchids?" I am reminded of the day after my accident, finding some on my bedside table.

"There was a pot of them outside your house. I assumed someone there liked them. Even if you didn't like them, the deep blue brings out the beautiful (eye colour) of your eyes."

I peer up, a small circle of light opening through the trees above. This place is very pretty.

"How did you find this place?"

"I like to run and one day I stumbled upon it. It was a lucky find. No one bothers me here."

A butterfly flutters past, it's bright blue wings sparkling in the sunlight. I long to catch it, but I wouldn't want to hurt it.

I walk over, kneeling down beside the water, watching tiny fish wiggle around under the gentle waves. I dip my hand in, feeling the coolness seep into my skin. It feels refreshing.

I peer over at Levi. He smiles at me. It's slightly strange, seeing as he never smiles. But it's beautiful. I can't help, but smile, too.

I sit amongst the flowers, Levi sitting beside me. It feels as if it's just us and no one else on this Earth.

He tucks a few strands of loose hair behind my ear. Then he plucks some small pink and purple flowers from the ground, placing them delicately in my hair.

"You're beautiful." He says softly.

"Thank you." I whisper in response, my cheeks growing warm.

We lie back, peering up at the clouds. We pick out different shapes we see. And somehow we end up talking about ourselves. We also end up talking about our families.

I tell him about my mother, how she made a different kind of pie every Sunday, perfecting each one she made on the first try. About my dad, and his sensitivity. He wasn't one to hide his feelings. He wasn't one who feared crying in front of others. As I mention my little sister, tears fill my eyes. All she wanted to do was grow up and raise a family. She loved kids.

He pulls me close, kissing my tears away.

He mentions his own family, though he doesn't say much. He speaks affectionately of his mother, but they died when he was young. From there he led a life of crime, hiding in the underground. Until the survey corps found him and forced him to work for them. He peers over at me.

"I used to hate it here, but as I look at you, I'm glad I stayed."

We soon leave the peaceful area, trailing through the grass, following the lightly worn trail. When we reach the castle, Erwin is sitting out on the bench. He narrows his eyes at us as we pass. Levi doesn't seem to notice. Either that, or he's not bothered by his Superior. What is with him?

"I'm glad we had some time together now, because over the next little while, things will get busier. We won't get to be together nearly as much."

I feel a little disappointed. "Oh. How come?"

"We are working on taking back Wall Maria. Which means we have a lot of preparation and training to do. Since I'm the Captain, I will be gone a lot. Maybe someday when I'm out scouting I could take you with me. Give you some practice with your 3DM gear."

"I wouldn't actually fight Titans, would I?"

His eyes suddenly cloud over with a mysterious darkness. "Of course not."

Never Let You Go ▶A Levi Ackerman X Reader◀Where stories live. Discover now