Chapter Thirteen

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Levi's Point of View

I guide (Y/n) through the busy dining area, leading the way. She follows close behind, clearly intimidated by the crowd.

We sit at a little table in the corner, the only other people occupying the area being a boy with his nose shoved in a a book, and a girl who is furiously scribbling curved lines across the page of a sketchbook.

We sit on the bench. It creaks under our weight. Soon Erwin and Hanji join us to eat.

Hanji's face lights up as she sees (Y/n). But Erwin simply looks curious. I watch his gaze wander over her. I frown, my fist clenching. What does he think he is doing?

"(Y/n), it's nice to see you looking well. How are you feeling?"

"Thank you Hanji. I feel great."

"So, this is the (Y/n) I've heard so much about." Erwin says in a sly tone. I immediately look to Hanji.

"What's he talking about four eyes?" I bite at her.

Her eyes widen, her tone rising his pitch. "I have no idea!"

I glare at her, reading her face for any indication of what Erwin is talking about. I find my anger quickly growing. My hands ball into fists.

"Levi, I have no idea what he's talking about. I promise." I hear the plea in her voice.

Suddenly I feel a smaller hand rest over mine, their fingers curling around mine, pulling hand out of a fist. My eyes dart over to (Y/n). She smiles softly, her eyes sparkling. I find myself lost in the sea of (e/c). All anger fades from within me and I feel calmer.

"Levi, what are you talking about?" Erwin asks.

My gaze meets his. "Nothing of your concern." I respond.

"Oh, I see." He says, smirking.

"Erwin, I said there isn't anything that concerns you. And I mean it."

"Fine, fine."

Your Point of View

We have oatmeal and tea for breakfast and then we're shipped off for training. I go with Hanji and she teaches me about Titans. She tells me everything she knows about them, and I scribble notes. It feels as if little time has passed when I'm turning into the ninth page of my notebook, and a knock is heard from the door.

Levi enters, closing the door behind him. "Still going at it?"

"Why, what time is it...?"

She peers down at her watch. "It's after lunch."

"Yes, I had the kitchen staff save some food for you guys. Sasha was shoveling food down her garbage trap like there was no tomorrow."

"Thanks, Captain." She smiles. Then she turns to me. "Is this too much for today? Or do you want to continue after we eat?"

I find all of this incredibly interesting, and I appreciate being one-on-one with her. I never did well in my larger classes.

"How about we continue?"

She squeals with delight, her face lighting up. "Excellent!"

She sets down her notebook, crossing the room. "We've got ourselves a keeper, Revaille." She tells Levi on her way by. I feel my face grow warm.

Levi and I are left alone. He glides over, hopping up on the desk beside me. "What has she told you so far?"

"We went over their biology and how to kill them. Apparently she still has a lot to teach me, though."

"Four eyes could talk about Titans all day long."

"Really?" I knew she was passionate about what she does, but I assumed she was just excited to teach.

"Yes. She could go on forever. And she would, if you let her. She is obsessed with Titans. It's weird, but she knows what she's doing."

She's passionate about... Titans.

"Mind if I look at your notes?" He asks, peering down at my notebook. I nod, pushing the book over towards him. He picks it up, his eyes quickly skimming over the pages.

"You have beautiful handwriting." He observes, touching a page, his fingers sliding across the letters.

"Thank you, Captain." I respond, shyly.

"You may refer to me as Levi, but only when we're alone." He says. His gaze meets mine. He winks at me. I grin, my cheeks flushing with heat.

Levi's Point of View

I watch her cheeks turn pink. She looks away, peering down at her hands, which are folded neatly on her desk.

She's so pretty.

I reach out, gently caressing her cheek with the back of my fingers. It feels warm. As I touch her, her face grows warmer.

"Why are you blushing?" I question, my voice hardly above a whisper.

"I don't know..." She trails off as I brush my fingers along her jawline.

"Want to go get some lunch?" I ask her. She nods. I hop down from the desk and guide her to the kitchen.

We find some leftover roast beef and a baked potato. She puts some food on her plate and begins to eat.

"Would you care for a cup of tea?" I ask as I fill up the kettle.

"Yes, please."

I set the kettle on the stove, turning it on. While I wait for it to boil, I get two mugs from the cupboard, putting a teabag in each of them.

"What do you take in yours?"

"I take mine black, Levi."

"Well, aren't you something."

The kettle whistles loudly. I pull it off the heat, the loud noise quieting. I pour some water into the mugs, setting the kettle aside. I give (Y/n) her mug and sit beside her at the little table in the corner of the kitchen.

Sorry for the late update. I had a rugby game and youth group right after school and didn't have enough time to write. Regular updates will resume ^~^❤

Never Let You Go ▶A Levi Ackerman X Reader◀Where stories live. Discover now