Chapter Twenty-Five​

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Levi's Point of View

I awake early the next morning, the sun beginning to peek over the horizon, filling the room with warm, yellow light.

(Y/n)'s heart beats gently against my ear. My arm is draped over her waist, my head on her chest. Her hands rest on my back, her arms around me. I feel soft, warm, comfortable.

I carefully get up, trying not to wake her. But when I kiss her forehead, her eyelids flutter open. She peers up at me with bloodshot eyes, blinking the sleep away from her vision.

"Hey." She mutters, her voice hoarse and groggy.

"Go back to sleep." I whisper, pulling the blanket over her naked body and tucking her in. I brush some loose strands of hair off her face, waiting a moment for her to settle again. When her eyes slip closed, I cross the room. I peer back as she curls up, hugging onto my pillow. She buries her face into the fabric.

I close the curtains, collect clean clothes, and pull on some pants before I leave the room.

I walk through the empty castle, on my way to the showers. I pass Erwin and Hanji as they chat in the dining room.

"Captain! Are you okay, sir?" I hear Hanji call after me.

I furrow my brow in annoyance. Why wouldn't​ I be okay? Do I look that horrible?

"You're bleeding, Levi. Or... You were." Erwin adds.

I pause mid step and turn around.
"I was bleeding?"

"There are scratches running down your back. Are you okay?" Hanji speaks with concern.

I pull on my clean shirt, exiting the dining room without another word. I enter the empty shower room, all the stalls empty. I turn on the water, the room quickly flooding with steam. I undress and stand under the stream, immediately wincing at a stinging on my back. I am reminded of (Y/n) and the way she drug her fingers along my back as I entered her, the way she moaned and her eyes glazed over as she came... I brush the thought from my mind. I have things to do today. I shouldn't reminisce too much on the happenings of last night.

I lean my head back, letting the water run over my face and down my chest. I lather myself up in soap, rinsing under the water. I linger in the heat for a few extra minutes, letting the warmth sink into my skin. I sigh deeply as it unknots my muscles, and soothes me.

When I finish I climb out, wrapping a towel around my waist. I turn off the water and begin to dry myself, the feeling of water dripping off the ends of my hair and down my body leaving me with chills.

I dress quickly, not wishing to be seen by brats, also to hide the war wounds on my back.

I dry my hair with my towel, using the dampness and my fingers to quickly brush it into my usual, plain style.

I finish, hanging my towel outside to dry and then I head to the kitchen to make tea. I sit at my usual spot, sipping from the white mug. I feel its warmth sink into my stomach and I soon begin to perk up.

I sip at the dark liquid, listening to the sound of chickadees and blue birds singing their songs in harmony. I peer out the window at the sun, which is well over the horizon and shining brightly. The light filters through the leaves of the tall trees above, casting scattered shadows across the glistening grass. I see a rabbit hop along, chewing on dandelions, moving slowly and at ease. It's lucky it is naïve. It has no idea of the certain death that lurks beyond the walls.

I finish the rest of my tea as tired brats wander through the room. I bring my mug to the kitchen, placing the cup in the sink. I pour another cup for (Y/n). It's about time for her to be up.

I carry the steaming cup upstairs and through the corridor, opening the door to my room. She is still fast asleep, sprawled out on my bed, the blanket hanging half way off the mattress.

I close the door behind me, crossing the room, setting the mug on my nightstand. I reach down, gently caressing her cheek.
(Y/n)," I say softly. "Wake up, now."

She stirs, her eyes slowly opening one by one. She smiles as she sees me, her face lighting up.

"Good morning." I say.

"Good morning, babe." She responds, her voice still as groggy and hoarse as before. It appears that the yelling she did last night has strained her vocal cords. I'm sure some tea will help with that.

"I made you some tea." I motion to the mug on the nightstand. "You sound like you need it."

"Oh, thank you." She sits up, rubbing her eyes with her knuckles. The blanket falls down, exposing her breasts. I keep my gaze on her face.

"How are you feeling?" I ask, taking notice of a purple blemish colouring her (light/ medium/ dark) skin along her neck.

"I feel amazing." She responds, tucking her hair behind her ear. She smiles taking my hand in hers. I pull her close, wrapping my arms around her torso, her lips brushing my neck.

"What do we have to do today?" She questions with curiosity.

"I have to visit Commander Pyxis, and you have training."

"So I won't see you much?" She frowns.

"Likely you won't see me until around the late evening. I'll be here for dinner, though."

"Great." She smiles, leaning in, her lips touching mine. She kisses me softly, her hands running along my spine.

"You should get dressed, now." I tell her, not wanting her to be late for breakfast. Potato girl doesn't have a stomach, she has a bottomless pit.

"Yes, sir." She kisses me one last time before she crawls off of me.
I leave her to pull on her clothes from last night, and drink her tea.

"I'll meet you down for breakfast, okay?"

"Okay." She responds, pulling a brush through her hair.

Never Let You Go ▶A Levi Ackerman X Reader◀Where stories live. Discover now