Chapter Forty-Four

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"What?" Erwin demands, his eyes wide.
"Titans are in Wall Rose. It has been breached."
"Where are they?" This time I'm demanding.
"They were spotted to the west, in Trost district, near the scouting legion headquarters. Approximately nine of them."
"Let's go." I say, grabbing my jacket. I sprint outside, not waiting for the others. I jump on my horse, taking off quickly. I ride as fast as I can out of Wall Sina and into Trost district.
I ride like my life depends on it.
I see the Titans in the distance as I come near the house. I jump off my horse before I reach the building, sprinting across the front lawn.
"(Y/n)!" I shout loudly, bursting through the front door. She comes running through the door that leads down into the cellar. She throws her arms around my neck.
"Levi! I saw the Titans in the distance. I didn't know what to do so I hid. I thought maybe they wouldn't know I was down there..." Tears are streaming down her cheeks.
"We have to go right now." I grab her hand, pulling her out of the house. I run around the back and get George for her. I help her onto him before I jump on my own horse. We take off in the opposite direction of the house, riding quickly.
We go to the city in Wall Sina, knowing that is where the rest of my new squad will be. It's the safest place right now.
At this point the recon corps has arrived and we begin to make a plan.
We decide to send different squads out to circle the perimeter and find the breach. From there we will begin the fight to save humanity.
I station my horse and climb into the back of a carriage with Hanji, (Y/n), Mikasa, Armin, Eren, and the head wall priest. There's information we need from him. He knows the mystery of the walls. And we'll beat it out of him if we have to, as pointless as that may seem, after Hanji's stunt where she almost threw him off the top of the wall for keeping his trap shut.
Hanji is holding on to a piece of some form of translucent crystal, as well as her notebook where she takes a million notes.
"What's that?" I question her, referring to the milky-coloured stone.
"It's a sample of the crystal Annie had encased herself in. I found a similar crystal that had fallen off the wall after it had been broken by her. I studied the pieces and discovered that their base compounds are identical. They are the same substance, essentially."
"So..." (Y/n) begins, understanding in her tone. "Is the entire wall made of Titans?"
"How is this possible?" Eren wonders aloud.
Our eyes turn to the wall priest, whom is sitting still, his lips pursed, his expression stoic and bold. He stares at his feet.
"You know something." Eren says to the nervous man. He says nothing. Eren grows restless.
"You're going to keep your mouth shut and risk the lives of thousands of people just because you think the walls are sacred?" His voice rises sharply at the end.
"It's useless, Eren." I tell the angered boy. "We've already tried to get information out of him, but he insists on keeping his mouth shut like a little bitch."
"Eren, we are going to need your help in sealing the breach in Wall Rose."
"My help?" He asks.
"Yes." I respond. "And you have no choice. You have to do this."
"Yes, Captain." He says.
"It seems that the walls are created by Titans like the colossal Titan who have hardened their bodies. We need you to plug the breach and harden your body to keep it shut." Hanji explains.
"Harden my body?"
"Is it possible? Will it work?"
"I've been milling over it. But we have to try something. And this is our best bet."
We come into Hermiha district and I take the wall priest with me and (Y/n). It's dark now, moonlight flooding onto the area, giving us enough light to see.
"I want you to see something." I tell him, dragging him along with me.
We come into an open area with thousands of refugees from the breached district. He seems to be stunned, his eyes wide.
"These are people who have lost everything. They have no homes, no food, not even a bed to sleep in. And by withholding the information you know you're going to be the cause of the deaths of many." I watch the horror spread across his face.
A little boy cries bitterly for his parents, his face buried in his little hands. (Y/n) spots the boy, and she turns to me. "I need to help him."
"His parents are likely dead." I tell her, making sure the priest hears.
The man turns to leave. I grab his shoulder. "Where the hell do you think you're going?"
"Ah, hey!"
"These people have nowhere to go. And if you get your wish the area will be swarmed with Titans. Is that what you want?"
I watch with satisfaction as his wide eyes wander over the crowd.
"It's different than what your pretty illustrations depict, isn't it?"
He doesn't say anything. I turn to (Y/n), finding her kneeling in front of the little boy.
"It's nice to see someone with a little compassion."

Never Let You Go ▶A Levi Ackerman X Reader◀Where stories live. Discover now