Chapter Twenty-Eight

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A week later

Levi and I stroll along the worn cobblestone path. Hand-in-hand we take a shortcut through an alley between two tall buildings.

We're on our way to an art gallery near the centre of Wall Sina. I heard there was a beautiful piece of work done by one of my favourite artists.

We will visit it and then stay in a fancy hotel before heading back.

"It's a little reward for your successful​ training. It's my treat." He'd said.

"The gallery should be on the next block. If we keep going this way we should reach it faster." I say excitedly.

I quicken my pace.

Suddenly a large set of hands grab onto me, yanking me away from Levi. I scream, the sudden movement startling me.

A man in black covers my mouth with one hand, while he wraps his fingers around my throat with the other. I am slammed against the hard brick wall, my head hitting against the hard surface. White spots cloud my vision.

"We get your money, or your girl. Choose, asshole."

"If you don't let her go right now I'll kill you." Levi says, a darkness tinging his voice.

"I don't know, little man. She's mighty pretty..." The man reaches up, running his hand along my cheek.

"Don't touch me!" I spit at him. I fight against his strong arms, but he overpowers me.

He begins to squeeze my neck, my eyes widening. I reach up, clawing at his iron grip, attempting to pry his fingers open. He's too strong.

I look over at Levi. He pulls a knife out of his pocket, taking a fighting stance. Some of the guys begin to laugh.

"Do you really think you could hurt us?" One howls.

He pounces on them, his knife sinking into the arm of the nearest man. He cries out in pain, reaching for Levi. He pulls the knife out, punching him in the neck. The man drops.

He moves to the next, my head beginning to grow light. I peer down. I need to get away from this guy. He's going to kill me. I see an open opportunity... right between his legs.

I bring my knee up quickly, using all of my dwindling strength, kneeing him squarely in the crotch. He immediately cries out, his eyes glazing over. He drops like a sack of potatoes, his hands​ grasping his groin.

I turn to see all of the men lying on the ground, groaning in pain. He took them down so quickly, I just stare.

Suddenly a group of military police members run into the alley, blades drawn for a fight. But they were too late.

"Nice of you brats to finally show up." Levi says, slightly breathless.

"What happened?" The taller male looks down at the heap of men at our feet, a slightly surprised look on his face.

Levi steps on the thug, before hopping down on the other side as he explains the situation. From there he takes my hand, pulling me away from the scene, his arm snaking around my waist, holding me close to him.

"Are you okay?" He asks me, when we're out of earshot of the military police.

"Yes." I respond, my throat tingling.

"If you weren't there I don't know what they would've done. You saved my life again. I wonder when I'll ever get to repay you."

"You repay me by simply existing." He responds.

The art gallery is beautiful, all different kinds of paintings, drawings and statues decorating the place. It's an amazing experience. And it's even better to have Levi to talk about the paintings with.

I tell him about my favourite pieces and their artists, my mind running a mile a minute. Despite being shaken up by the incident in the alley, we feel happy and enjoy our time.

Later when we're in the hotel, I lay out some of the prints I'd bought earlier that day. I peer over at Levi, whom is sitting in an armchair, a cup of tea on the end table beside him. He hasn't even touched it yet. That's very unlike him.

He just stares out the window, his arms folded across his chest. Something is wrong. He's not usually like this. Could it have to do with today? He fights Titans for a living. I'm sure a small incident like that would just be a little thing. It couldn't have effected him that much.

I walk over, sitting on the bed across from him.

"Are you okay?" I ask, my voice soft.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." He mutters.

I gaze at him for a few moments. He looks more upset than usual. Something is definitely up.

"Something is wrong, Levi. What is it?"

He meets my eyes. He looks pained and... Scared? This frightens me. He stares at me.

"Levi, y-you're scaring me. What's going on?"

"When you screamed earlier..." He looks away, the pain in his expression growing. "It was the same way you screamed before you were almost eaten by that Titan. It was so fearful, so panicked... You weren't safe. You got hurt. I was just thankful that I was there to hear it... That I was there to save you..."

I reach across the space, touching his hand. "What if I'm not there to hear you scream next time?"

"What do you mean?"

"What if you're in trouble and I'm not there to help you?"

"Levi, I'm safe. I'll be okay. You don't have to worry about me, honey."

"(Y/n), I'm always going to worry about you."

"Aww, baby..." I get up, sitting in his lap, wrapping my arms around him. He soundlessly hugs me tighter than usual.

Never Let You Go ▶A Levi Ackerman X Reader◀Where stories live. Discover now