Chapter Fifteen

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The time for our fight to begin quickly approaches. We have to leave soon. I go up to (Y/n)'s room, finding her still asleep. I don't want to wake her. I kiss her cheek, leaving her there, before I get my horse.

Soon we're off, galloping at full speed toward Wall Maria.

Much like with Shiganshina district, the sight we come up to is a mess of rubble and mangled corpses. I frown.

As we see Titans ahead, we disperse, attacking them in groups.

As Eren transforms and begins to move the rock, the desperation becomes apparent. We fight hard to keep Titans off of him and out of his path as he seals the hole in the outer wall.

The long fight had left us all exhausted and in pain, some in mourning after today's losses, but we all feel victory. And happiness, knowing those deaths were not in vain.

We continue to fight against the Titans still in Wall Maria, taking back what was once ours. Now, we fight back. Now, we gain ground against the Titans. Now, this victory is ours.

Before sundown we head back to Wall Rose. We take our time, letting the events of the day settle on us. Surely there will be some celebrating tonight.

Your Point of View

I wait by the window for everyone to return from the fight.

Soon, the galloping of horses can be heard through the glass of the window. My anticipation builds, and I rush outside.

Despite the exhausted​ and drained appearance of the soldiers, there is a sense of success. Some are smiling in a forlorn kind of way, some have tears in their eyes. But everyone looks proud of their accomplishment.

Most have blood on their skin and torn clothes, some are nursing wounds. I see fewer faces than before. The missing ones stand out like a sore thumb.

I see Levi. He slows his horse as he passes. "Meet me in my office." He says to me. I nod, saluting.

I enter the building, walking down the long corridors to his office upstairs. I try the knob. It's unlocked. I enter the neat and tidy space. Everything is in perfect order, all his papers perfectly set on his desk.

I cross the room and peer at the rows of books on his shelf. The majority are textbooks, all in alphabetical order. He also has some records. Most are from famous classical artists.

I sit in the chair on the other side of his desk, picking up a thick novel from the corner. I open it to where he last left off.

He's reading about Titans and the early days after the wall were erected. It explains the many casualties. I close the book, returning it to its rightful place.

I soon hear footsteps in the hall.
Levi enters the room. I stand upright as he closes the door behind him. I see his arm in a sling, his jacket draped over his shoulders.

"Hey." I say, wishing to embrace him, but fearing that I may hurt him, I leave him.


"Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine." He tries to slide his jacket off, but he struggles, only having one arm to use.

"Here." I say softly, taking it off of him and hanging it up.

He mutters a thanks and he sits in his office chair.

"How did everything go? Did he do it?"

"Indeed he did."

I feel a wave of relief crash over me.
This is the first major step we've been able to take in our fight against the Titans. It's exciting.

"How did you hurt your arm?"

"A 10 meter hit me. I'm surprised I didn't end up with worse. I guess that's what happens when you have a lot on your mind and don't focus hard enough."

I nod in understanding.
"Would you like anything? I can make some tea."

"That sounds perfect, thank you." He opens his drawer, pulling a box of cigarettes out. He opens it, pulling one out, pinning it between his lips. He pulls a match out of a box and swipes it across his desk, puffing in a few times as the flame ignites the end of the cigarette. He takes a drag on it, inhaling deeply, before he blows a long line of white into the air. He tosses the used match into a metal trash can beside his desk.

I exit the room, walking down to the kitchen. I pass rows of people sitting at the tables, eating buns and meat. They all look tired.

But they all share one thing- the appearance of being victors.

Levi's Point of View

I wait patiently for her to return with a cup of tea. She soon does, a bag of ice tucked under her opposite arm.

"Here you go." She says, setting the cup on a cork coaster. "I also got you some ice for you arm."

"Thank you." I tell her, grateful for her kindness.

She gives the bag of ice to me, and I place it in the sling, letting it sit on my arm. It immediately soothes my swelling skin. I sigh.

"Do you need anything else, Captain?" She looks concerned.

I wave my hand. "No, take a seat. You've done plenty."

She nods, sitting across from me on the other side of my desk.

I lean against my good hand, resting my chin in my palm, my elbow on the surface of my desk. I feel exhausted from the events of today. I feel my eyelids begin to droop. For a moment I begin to lose consciousness, but my bobbing head wakes me back up.

"Come on, sir. Let's get you to bed." She says, getting up.

"No, I'm fine." I say, blinking.

"No, you need your rest. You're hurt. You've had a long day." She walks over, taking my hand. I get up, pushing my chair back, letting her walk me through the castle to my room.

She closes the door behind us, leading me to bed. She takes the bag of ice, setting it aside. As soon as she pulls back the covers, I fall into it, landing on my back. I begin to quickly fall asleep while she pulls off my boots, setting them on the floor beside my bed.

The last thought in my mind is a certain one- I will marry this girl one day.

Never Let You Go ▶A Levi Ackerman X Reader◀Where stories live. Discover now