Chapter Forty-Six

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4 months later

Your POV

I lean over the toilet, my stomach heaving. My throat burns as my stomach's contents are forced out. Finally I finish, my body falling limp. I flush the toilet, before I lean against the wall behind me. I swipe my hand across my sweaty forehead, my matted bangs being pushed out of the way of my eyes.
I sit for a long moment, my eyes lazily focused on the bright white ceiling.
I wait until my body regains some strength before I grab onto the counter, pulling myself to my feet. My enormous stomach makes it hard to get around. And the constant morning sickness isn't helping with my strength.
I brush my teeth and exit the bathroom, making my way to the couch. I lie down, pulling a soft blanket over my body. I feel really tired.
I let my head sink into the cushion, my gaze falling on a photo on the coffee table.
The image shows Levi and I from when we first met. Armin had taken to trying photography on his spare time and caught the shot. It was before we became official, though you wouldn't tell. Armin gifted it to us a month or so ago.
I observe the reserved look on Levi's face and it makes me miss him. He's so busy lately, some days he doesn't make it home for the night. I fall asleep not knowing if I'll wake up alone or by his side.
The house is too quiet without him.
I close my eyes, focusing on how comfortable I am, and how tired I feel. It doesn't take long before I fall asleep.

Pain is the first thing I feel as I slip back into consciousness. It's almost unbearable, and it's what caused me to wake up.
I quickly open my eyes, trying to sit up. The pain is deep inside my lower abdomen. My eyes widen. Something isn't right...
As I move more I notice a dampness between my thighs. I peer down, a deep red staining my soft blue dress. I quickly get to my feet. I need to get to a doctor right now.
I grab a clean dress from my room, suddenly in a panic, changing as I hobble out the door. I find George, moaning in pain as I climb on top of him.
I can't be in labour. I'm two months too early.
I nudge George, urging him to sprint, the motion of being jostled causing more pain to spread throughout my body. Tears spring to my eyes.
It feels like an eternity when I see HQ come into view. I hitch George up outside, entering the building. My head feels light, my legs numb. Hanji... Where is she...
"(Y/n)!" I hear a deep voice say. "You're bleeding! Are you okay?" It's Erwin.
"No, I need Hanji... Right now."
"Go find captain Hanji! This is an emergency!" Erwin shouts over his shoulder.
I begin to feel light on my feet. He takes notice. He lifts me into his arms.
I can't help, but cry.
"You're going to be okay, (Y/n). Both you and your children. We won't let anything happen to any of you."
Hanji meets us halfway.
"She's bleeding. I don't know what's wrong, but she's clearly in pain and she almost passed out."
"Oh my God... Erwin, take her down the hall. I have to prepare the delivery room. She's having complications and we may have to deliver tonight."
"Tonight?" He sounds shocked.
"Yes, commander. Don't leave her side. Not even when Levi gets here. You know how he'll be."
"Yes, captain."
I try to keep my eyes open, but it's like treading deep, cold water. I struggle against the darkness that tries to creep into my sight. I need to stay awake.
Erwin sits in a side room with me, seeing as curious recruits have come to investigate. I feel another rush of pain. I need something to grab.
"E-Erwin... I need your hand." I stammer, pain lacing my voice.
I feel his large hand slide over mine, and I grasp onto it tightly.
As more pain comes I squeeze his hand.
In a very short time I'm being escorted into a little white room, Hanji following closely, dressed in a white outfit, ready for anything that comes her way.
Levi bursts into the room, his eyes widening as they fall on me. He stops in his tracks, a look of terror replacing the shocked expression.
"W-what's going on?" He stammers.
"She's bleeding heavily. Before you get too scared, this could be a mild condition. Based on the amount of pain she's in I'd guess that she could be in labour already. Either that or something is seriously wrong." Hanji talks as she works, cutting my dress off of me, before removing my panties. I don't care that I'm bared before my colleagues. Yet, I see Erwin look away.
"(Y/n), I need you to tell me exactly what happened. Can you do that?"
"I woke up in pain... And I was bleeding."
"Is that all?"
I nod, my eyes squeezing closed.
Levi is by my side, his hand grasping mine. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there to help you. I'm so sorry (Y/n)."
Hanji sets my feet in stirrups, my legs parting. She begins to examine me.
I open my eyes, my gaze meeting his troubled expression.
"Don't be sorry." I tell him.
"(Y/n), I don't know what's caused the bleeding, but your cervix is completely dilated. You're having contractions."
"Is everything okay?" Levi almost demands, his eyes wider than I've ever seen them.
"It's possible she could be experiencing placental abruption. It's semi common, only happening once in every fifty pregnancies. But it is very possible."
"Placental abruption?"
"It occurs when the placenta detaches from the wall of the uterus. In which case, things should be fine. (Y/n), your water hasn't broken yet, has it?"
"If it has it wasn't a lot." I mutter, wishing to not talk at all.
"We may have to break it ourselves. In which case, prepare yourself. With twins, it's likely there will be a flood. Erwin, can you prepare a cleaning crew? As soon as her water breaks we need a clear floor for delivery."
"Yes, Hanji." He quickly, leaves.
"Honey, I don't know why, but it appears we never restocked on morphine after the last attack. You're going to have to do this naturally. Is that okay?"
"Are you serious?!" Levi cries.
"Captain, our shipment hasn't been delivered yet. This is beyond my control."
"When this is over they'll have me to answer to."
Hanji turns away, grabbing what looks like a thick, folded sheet from the cupboard. She places it below, likely to catch fluid and keep the bed dry.
"Are you ready? This should feel relieving. Like you've finally gone pee, or like a water balloon has been popped inside of you. Though as soon as it's been done your contractions will become closer together and you'll go into labour."
"I'm ready." I swallow, feeling the pain inside me begin to subside slightly.
"When you begin to crown I'll tell you to push. I'll guide you through. When I tell you to push, push. When I tell you to stop, you need to stop and breathe."
"I'm ready, Hanji." I don't feel ready, but I know I don't have much of a choice.
"It's time."
All of a sudden I feel a rush of warm fluid between my thighs and all over the bed. I hear it on the floor, flooding over the sides like a waterfall.
"There we go." Hanji grins.
The pain that was gone is now back and I cry out loudly.
"I'm going to try to stretch you a little bit to prevent tearing. They shouldn't take long to come out. When they are born I recommend skin to skin contact right away. Especially since they're going to be premature."
I can't believe I'm about to give birth. I'm finally going to meet the little humans I've been carrying around with me for the past seven months. All at once, knowing my babies are okay, the fear is gone and I feel a new determination. Levi holds my hand tight. I know everything is going to be okay.

Quick AN: So I wrote all of this just now, at 5 am, because I've been at such a writer's block for so long I couldn't pass up the opportunity to actually do something.
I'm so invested in this scene. I did some much research for the thing and I even watch children actually be born so it'd be accurate. Honestly, watching someone give birth is the grossest, most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life. I legit cried lol
I feel so emotional about this scene. I hope you guys like it so far.
Anyway, thank you for almost 10K reads and over 300 followers. I seriously love you guys.
~Abby ♥♥♥

Never Let You Go ▶A Levi Ackerman X Reader◀Where stories live. Discover now