Chapter Fifty-One

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Levi's POV

I hear a bang, (Y/n)'s body shuddering for a moment before she falls over. Her face is blank, but I can hear her breathing deeply. It's as if time has stopped. My stomach turns to lead. But I hear her groan loudly, her hand flying to her left bicep where I see a red spot quickly forming.

As I see that she's okay, my panic turns to anger. I rip the knife from my pocket, lunging at the grungy woman. In an instant I've tackled her to the ground, my body on top of hers. I knock the gun across the grass, my knife against her throat. I feel a surge of anger flood through me, as if I've become a different person.

"Who sent you?"

She doesn't say anything. I press the knife harder against her neck, causing her to wince. I see a thin red line forming under the edge of the blade.

"WHO SENT YOU?" My voice echoes off the surrounding trees. She spits at me.

I slap her across the face. She cries out, her eyes filling with tears.

"Captain, we can question her when we take her in." An MP says.

I glare down at her, my knuckles turning white from gripping the blade too hard. I can see the fear in her eyes. It leaves me with a little satisfaction.

"Fine." I huff, getting up. I grab her by the scruff of her shirt lifting her to her feet. The MP are ready with hand cuffs, bounding her arms together. She screams obscenities at the men as they drag her away.

I hear another groan, turning to find (Y/n) trying to sit up. She looks alright. I kneel down beside her, gently leaning her against me.

"I think I'm fine. She shot my arm." She winces. The blue fabric of her dress is stained with an ugly, quickly growing, crimson spot.

"We can take you to Hanji to get that cleaned up." I tell her, the anger that was previously surging through my body now fading. "Are you alright?"

"I think so." She is visibly shaken.

"I'll round up some things for the babies and prepare the cart." I tell her, wrapping my arms around her waist. I slowly help lift her to her feet, carefully avoiding her arm.

I wrap her good arm around my shoulders, keeping her steady as we walk. She bumps into the doorway and lets out a cry of pain.

"Just hold on, darling." I huff, helping her sit on the couch.

I jog upstairs, finding the babies still asleep in their room. I feel a sense of relief. They slept through everything. It makes me feel more thankful that they're still newborns.

I carefully lift them, one by one, setting them in their stroller, packing a diaper bag and bringing them down stairs.

It doesn't take long to reach HQ. Erwin is waiting for us, the MPs reaching them before we do. His face is stern. Hanji takes (Y/n) to the medical wing.

"Captain Levi. Is everything alright?"

"We were attacked. At my own home! And (Y/n) was shot. No, everything is not okay." I fuse.

"We are going to start an investigation. The perpetrator has been taken into custody." He lowers his voice, his eyes meeting mine. "We will find out who is behind this, Levi. I promise. We'll keep guards outside your house. You'll be protected at all times."

I think over his words. There will be guards at all times. I know how unreliable people can be. But I don't feel like I have any other choice, other than to move my family closer to HQ. The amount of time it'd take to sell our current house would leave plenty of time for something wrong to happen. It's no use.

"Thank you." I mutter and take off after the medical wing.

Your Point of View

Hanji carefully uses a scalpel to cut open the skin surrounding the wound. I bite down on a piece of cloth, but the pain is still incredible.

She used a small pair of thin tweezers, inserting them into the hole, and I hear a scrape of metal against metal as she skims the bullet.

"There it is." She says, her eyes narrowing in concentration. She moves slowly, grasping onto the bullet. It nudges against my tender flesh and it takes every ounce of my being not to move.

"I almost have it." She tells me.

In seconds she pulls the bullet out of my bicep. I feel relief, but still, pain. She sets it down on a little metal tray. It clinks against the sides as it rolls around for a moment. It is slick with my blood.

"It looks like a zero point five caliber bullet. I'll send it off for further investigation. Let's get you stitched up."

She begins to sew my arm closed, the sound of string being pulled through my skin reminding me of when she stitched my head up all those many months ago. It makes my stomach churn. I look away.

Levi enters the room a moment later, striding across the open floor and stopping by my side. I slide my hand in his. He looks concerned.

"How did it go?" His eyes don't leave me, but Hanji responds.

"Smoothly, sir. She should heal quickly."

His face smooths from the stressed grimace it was just in. I gently squeeze his hand in a comforting way.

Hanji doesn't take long to finish. She wraps a bandage around my stitches and gives me some instructions on caring for it. She takes the metal tray with the bullet and swiftly exits the room.

Levi wraps his arm around my shoulders, his lips pressing against my temple.

"I'm glad you're alright." He whispers.

"Me too." I pause for a moment before the faces of our children pop into my mind. "Where're Kuchel and Hajime?"

"They're with Sasha and Connie." He says, his hot breath tickling the side of my face. "I'm going to go home and get some things. I want us to stay here for a little while. I don't think it's safe at home."

I feel a ping of disappointment, but I know he's right.

"Okay, honey. But please take someone with you."

"If it'll give you peace of mind, I will."

"Thank you." I peer up at him and kiss his lips gently. His hand caresses my chin as he kisses back with equal softness.

"I'll be back soon, love."

After Levi leaves I wander around, making my way to the lounge where Connie and Sasha are. They each have a baby in hand. Kuchel is squirming and giggling while Sasha tickles her chin. Hajime is sound asleep on Connie's chest. He's leaning back, grinning at Sasha.

"Hey you guys." I say, smiling as I enter the room.

Sasha grins at Kuchel. "Look, it's mama!" Her voice is excited. I can tell she'll be a great mother someday.

"Do you need to take her? If not I don't mind holding onto her for you."

I walk over, leaning down and kissing her soft head gently. "You can hold her for now if you want. But if she gets to be too much let me know. I appreciate this very much. I'm limited to just one arm for a little while."

"It's not a problem! I love children." Sasha grins.

"Shh!" Connie whispers loudly from across the room.  "I just got him to sleep!"

"Oops!" She responds, lowering her voice. "Sorry!"

Never Let You Go ▶A Levi Ackerman X Reader◀Where stories live. Discover now