Chapter 1

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Hello. Before you all start reading? let me clear one thing.

Natalie's father is best friend of Enrique's father. They know each other for a long time so they are like brothers that's the reason why in upcoming chapters Natalie will call Mr Montario, uncle.

Now enjoy. Don't forget to vote and share :)


"Daddyy!!! Thank God you're back. I missed you so much. Next time don't go, especially when my birthday is coming up."

Natalie exclaimed in sadness while hugging her father lovingly.

"Hahaha oh my life, my daughter missed me that much? But you've never complained before, I go outside of the country all the time." Mr.Williams asked hugging her back and kissed her forehead.

"It's because you never go away when my birthday is near. This was your first time. Do you even love me?" Natalie asked being extraordinarily dramatic while crossing her arms.

"Hahaha okay easy there. I know you better than you know yourself and being your father I can tell. It wasn't me you were missing, it's your gift which I promised to give you for your 18th birthday." Mr. Williams sighed showing fake sadness.

"Oh God!" Natalie giggled.

"Daddy how can you know it just by seeing my face? I put up my best act and trust me all my friends say that I am the best actor." Natalie spoke completely shocked at her father's observation.

"Sweety! It's because I am your father and you can never pretend infront of me." Mr. Williams caressed her cheeks lightly.

"I love you dad! No man can ever love me the way you do." Natalie replied back hugging her father again.

"One day some guy will love you just as lovingly or probably more. I can totally tell. Who wouldn't love my precious little angel? You just have to wait for the right one." Mr. Williams spoke in a confident tone gently stroking her hair in fondness.

"No way! That's not possible and I don't want anyone else when I have my family and believe me there are no good guys these days and no one attracts me anyway. May be I am too good for the world." Natalie spoke even more confident voice playfully.

"Hahaha we'll have to see about that. Now let's go. Your mother is going to kill both of us." Mr. Williams retorted back eagerly to see his wife, his love.


Enrique was exhausted when he visited his parent's house and now his mother was forcing him to go with her for shopping.

"Mom, why can't ladies think about anything else other than shopping?" Enrique spoke being completely annoyed.

"Well son, I am absolutely sure you have spent a lot on buying gifts for your girlfriends. Then why are you putting up an act when it's your mother who wants to take you shopping?" Mrs. Montario asked while sulking a little.

"Mom, I've never spent my precious money on random girls. I've other important things to do than to go on shopping for some girl I am going to break-up with, eventually." Enrique muttered more annoyingly.

"You just wait, I hope you fall in love with a pretty girl and then I'll ask the same question again that if it's annoying anymore." Mrs. Montario spoke in a teasing tone.

"Huh? Love? Hahaha mom, you're funny. There's no girl in this world I would fall for. And pretty? All pretty faces are annoying these days and none of the girls I know, are naturally beautiful. All of them wear ten kilograms of make-up on their plastic faces." Enrique spoke in a harsh tone looking dead serious now.

"Son, I believe in destiny and you've to believe in it too. You're definitely going to find one and when you'll find her, trust me you'll even praise her ten kilogram make-up." Laughing at her son's reaction, Mrs. Montario replied back.

"Whatever mom. I just want you to know that your era was different. There are no good girls these days. All girls see is a handsome face and how rich the guy is. Luckily I've both so I am satisfied with my life and I need no love in it." Enrique said while standing up from couch.

"I'll just pray that you find one so that your views about these things change. Life is nothing son, without love. But okay. I'll respect your decision for now. We're getting late, let's go. I must buy the gift today, your father and I have an early morning flight tomorrow." Mrs. Montario said grabbing her purse.

"Who are you buying a gift for anyway?" Enrique asked curiously this time.

"Your uncle Jacob William's daughter, Natalie. It's her 18th birthday and being the only daughter, her parents are too much excited for the event.

They have arranged a big party in Brazil and since I like that girl like my own child, I want to give her something precious. She's such an angel she deserves the best." Mrs. Montario answered lovingly.

"Oh my God. How can you show such affection towards a random girl right infront of your only child? That's it. I am never going to visit again." Enrique spoke being jealous a little knitting his eyebrows tightly angrily.

"Hahaha my baby. I love you obviously more than anything but I love her too. You haven't seen her. She's really pretty and has an angelic heart. Anyone can fall in love with her." Mrs. Montario spoke remembering her beautiful face.

"Oh come on, mom. I don't have any desire to see that angelic beauty of yours. I have seen more beautiful girls, I am sure. Plus seeing you loving her this much, is already making me hate her. So let's go for shopping before I change my mind and one more thing, don't show some random girl your affection infront of me ever again." Enrique raised his voice in a commanding tone.

"Aaah! My possessive little boy, just like his father. Fine, I'll try not to talk about her only if you stop calling her 'random girl' and I can't promise since I really adore that child. Now hurry up my sulking baby." Mrs. Montario spoke while poking his son's nose playfully.

"Moommm stoppp!!!"

Enrique whined and started walking outside.


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