Chapter 61- Broken

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Natalie's P.O.V

When he went outside, the first room I wanted to clean wasn't mine but his. I had slept a lot in the morning so the moment he walked out of the apartment I went inside his room but the sight in front of me made me face palm in frustration.

It was obvious that he did it on purpose. Like when we were having breakfast his room door was open slightly and I could clearly see how neat and clean it looked. I was sure that he intentionally made a mess before going. God why is he such a kid?

It took me two hours to set everything accordingly. I took ten long minutes to stare deeply at my painting and it's surroundings. It was hung up on a wall in front of his bed. Like if someone wakes up in the morning sleeping on the bed the first thing one would see is that painting. I smiled sheepishly feeling goosebumps because of the sudden change of emotions in my heart. Why did he buy it? What is so special about it? It's just a painting.

It's not like I was obsessive over cleaning or anything. It was because of two things why I wanted to do this and more importantly why I wanted to do this alone. First it was a guy's apartment so I wanted to make sure that every place was really clean secondly I was missing my family like hell.

In the morning I was so close to ruin his perfect mood by asking something he would've definitely called stupid so instead of that I decided to indulge myself whole day in a place where God knows how long I was going to be.

I was extremely tired after working all day and the moment I woke up a familiar face captured my mind again to which I rolled my eyes internally. Seriously Natalie? Just a day passed. Why are you acting like a Juliet?

To say Enrique was perfect would be understatement. He was beyond perfect. I never really had an ideal before but ever since I moved in with him I got to know the Enrique which made me question where he was all these years before? Couldn't he come sooner in my life?

I became dependent on him. I started idealizing him. The way he talked, the way he smiled, the way he laughed, the way his eyebrows twitched after getting into a serious argument with me, the way he pouted angrily, the way he looked at me.....everything about him made me addicted to him.

Ashley asked me if I loved him but I laughed at her stupid question. Sure I like him actually like him a lot but love? No, I don't think so. Yeah I don't love him.

Please God, I don't ever want to break up with him. please Enrique don't ever give me any reason to....


I was talking to a junior when I heard that same girl talking to me again. I looked at her stupid smiling face which aggravated me to my core. Because of this bitch I and Enrique fought that day. How I wanted to slap her then and there.

"Hello Natalie if that's what your name is."

That junior excused herself and went away. I turned to look at her and spoke in a serious tone raising an eyebrow.

"For you it's miss Natalie."

She laughed at that sarcastically then questioned with an irritated face.

"Hahaha ahan attitude. Anyhow I heard you moved in with my Enrique."

Her Enrique? My ass.

I smiled widely and answered in a calm tone.
"Yeah I did and correction he's Natalie's Enrique. It's amazing living with him. Unfortunately he doesn't just live with anyone."

She rolled her eyes at that finding me smiling which made me feel like I was in heaven.

"You look impressed. Looks like he hasn't showed you his true colours yet."

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