Chapter 45

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Natalie's  P.O.V

My mind was a mess again. He asked me to date him. Why God why? I wanted him to stay my friend for the rest of my life. He has helped me a lot. He never mocked me or called me pathetic because of my misery. He was always there to support me, to cheer me up. But I don't feel anything for him. Why can't he just understand that?

I was deep in thoughts, sitting on the couch in the living room when the entrance room burst open. Ashley and Victoria were here. Just the perfect timing. I looked at them then averted my gaze back to the floor. Mom greeted them cheerfully then brought them where I was sitting.

"Long time. Where were you both?"

"We were just busy in university's hectic routine. You are at home unexpectedly?" Victoria answered cheerfully making my mom smile. She was my mom's favorite girl. They both were into fashion which was the main reason they got along well.

"Haha yeah, I was about to go. I have a work project to finish. See you girls later. Enjoy." Mom spoke smiling a little then grabbed her hand bag and walked outside.

"Yeah. Bye aunt." Ashley and Victoria spoke in synchronization making mom smile again.

They both looked at me, I didn't look at them and ran towards my room but they were quick to get in before me.

"We are sorry, Natalie. Just forgive us this once." Victoria spoke this time pleading with her eyes.

"Tell me one good reason, why you both didn't tell me." I asked in a serious tone looking at both of them,  dead in the eyes.

"Sit first." Ashley came forward and pointed towards my bed. I didn't move and kept looking at them.

"Sit, please." She again requested and I sat on the bed. Ashely sat beside me and Victoria on the chair near the bed.

"Look, Natalie. We are no one to interfere in your life but we meddled in because we really care about you and we think that he really loves you. We knew how you would react to this. We are sorry but trust us, we didn't have any bad intention." Ashley spoke in a soft voice, holding my hand gently.

I sighed lightly and started looking down at the floor. I was beyond frustrated and tired, emotionally and physically.

"Why is he doing this? I like the way things are. Why is he complicating things for me? I can't accept him."

"Look at me." Ashley spoke in a soft tone, grabbing my chin, making me look at her.

"Tell us honestly, what's going on in your mind?"

I was on the verge of crying, so I averted my gaze back to the floor.

"I don't know Ashley, I don't know. Adrian was my best friend for years but I rejected him because I didn't feel anything for him. Now Enrique has confessed out of nowhere tell me how can I accept him? Won't this be irrational? When I don't even have feelings for him."

"Is that the only reason?"
Ashley again made me look at her and I lost it. I started crying. Why was I feeling this vulnerable?

"I am scared Ashley, I am so scared. You both know how I am. I don't love half heartedly. I either love and care with all I've got or don't bother at all. What if I got too attached? What would I do then? I am exactly like Irina. I don't wanna end up like her. I don't want--" I couldn't speak anymore and started sobbing intensely.

"Sshhh! Calm down first." Ashley hugged me tightly and rubbed my back softly. After a while I started speaking again.

"I want to try relationships too, it's time for that. But I can't accept him. He just expects too much from me, I can't give him any hope."

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