Chapter 37

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Enrique's  P.O.V

That night, I didn't sleep well. She didn't even talk to me through out the ride and when we reached at her house, she pretended like I was non-existent. She just got out and walked inside the house without saying bye or wishing me good night...

How am I gonna make her do this? She won't agree to it just like that. Do I have any other option then to emotionally blackmail her? She must think that I am forcing her but she just doesn't understand how important it is for her to move on. Deep inside, I am jealous of that girl. She had that much impact on her!

It was Sunday and I woke up early unexpectedly. I wanted to talk to her. I thought of calling her but I remembered she wakes up late on weekends and I knew she was already angry at me. On top of that if I disturbed her sleep, she'll choke me to death so I went to meet Ryan instead.

We ate breakfast then played games. He kept losing to me repeatedly. Then in the end, he grabbed my game controller and threw it far away so he won finally.

Hahah this idiot!

I stayed there till afternoon then went back to my apartment and after an hour called her finally. She didn't pick up. I kept calling but there was no response. Is she that mad? Shit shit shit! Now she's not even talking to me.

I grabbed my keys and drove towards her house. I knocked on the door and it was opened up by the housekeeper,  I saw last time. She greeted with a smile. I asked her where everyone is and she said they weren't at home since morning.

Oh! She must be with her parents, it's weekend of course. But why is she not picking up? I called her again but no response. I decided to go back and come in the evening.

I was standing at her doorstep again and was about to knock when I saw a  car stopping in front of the front gate. Her parents came out of the car but I didn't see Natalie. Where is she now? I groaned in frustration.

They walked in, looking at me with surprise. Something seemed off. Their faces told me it was something serious. I asked them where she was and uncle told me about what happened and everything.

Damn it! She will stay with him all night?  I asked them the location of the hospital she was staying at and drove in hurry.

My heart was thumping hardly, the thirty seconds elevator ride felt like centuries. I finally reached where uncle told me she was and just when I turned to that area, I stopped in my tracks.

They were hugging! Adrian was hugging her so softly and she was hugging him back with only concern in her eyes. His head was buried in her hair and I felt like this was the end.

Rejection may drive you crazy but watching your love in arms of someone other than you is the worst feeling ever.

I didn't just feel like tearing them apart, I also felt like I wanted to kill myself right there and then. The way she was soothing him down by rubbing his shoulders was enough to make me lose my senses.

I thought I made progress, may be she had a soft corner for me finally but it was just a friendly gesture of her. The view in front of me cleared everything for me. I could see vividly who she wanted, who she was more comfortable with. Her heart doesn't beat for me like mine does for her. I was right from the start, I mean nothing to her.

How easy it was for me to seduce any girl I wanted before Natalie. My life was perfect. I was fine. I never knew what pain was, what it's like to get hurt, to feel being ignored, feel being stamped on.

Why is it so hard to make her like me,  when I've finally realized my feelings for her, when I've finally fallen in love with someone? I am just a friend to her, just a fucking friend, nothing more nothing less.

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