Chapter 15

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Natalie's P.O.V

It was Saturday morning, two days before Adrian's flight. I was sleeping on my bed hugging my bed covers tightly because it was a chilly day. I had no intention of going anywhere that day when suddenly my phone started ringing.

"Please tell me you're getting ready and not still sleeping on your 'what the hell' bed?" Ashley spoke on the other side.

"Hey don't bad mouth my bed. Okay? It was my first love and no I am not getting ready and yes I was sleeping until some crazy woman thought of ruining it." I said in an annoying tone. I mean why would someone say bad things about someone's bed. Rude much?

"Oh God! You and your bed. Natalie I told you before. You have to come. Victoria and others are coming too."

Ashley told me a day before that there was this fashion exhibition which she was pretty much excited about and she wanted all of us to go there with her. But it's Saturday. My 'sleep like there's no tomorrow' day. Why would she expect me to go there so early in the morning.

"Yes you did and I told you that I won't come. This week was so hectic. I am so tired I need to sleep. Have fun!"

"I hate you. Bye."

"I love you too. Bye ." Haha Ashley always looks so cute when she's sulking. Remembering her pouting face I almost thought of changing my mind but my warm and cozy bed hugged me so tightly I shrugged the the thought. I was about to sleep when my phone started ringing again.
"Damn it! Ashley please let me sleep." I snapped right after picking up.

"Hahaha last time I checked my name was still Adrian." Adrian spoke in his deep voice laughing a bit.

"Oh sorry Adrian I thought it was Ashley." So embarrassing... why didn't I check the caller id first!

"It's okay and Morning princess! Did I disturb you? Were you sleeping?" He asked genuinely concerned. Ever since his ticket was confirmed he had been making plans daily to meet up and explore New York together.

"Morning! No I was awake. You tell what's up?" I said it all with a smile plastered on my face. Just thinking that he'll be gone after two days was making me sad already but I thought I'll spend the remaining time cherishing it with him.

"Good. Now get ready I'll pick you in an hour."

"What? Why do....." He cut me in the middle and said, "No excuses Natalie! Take your time. Text me when you're ready. "

"Alright! See you." I said hurriedly and without hesitating for a second I got up. I mean he's going to some other country I should spend all the time I can, with him.

I took a shower and wore a maroon colored top with jet black leggings, black ankle boots and black jacket. I texted him that I was ready and within 10 seconds I got a reply.

"Come outside." Adrian replied shortly. Wait was he here the entire time?

I went outside and there he was looking extravagantly handsome standing amd leaning against his car hands in his pant's pockets. He was wearing white t-shirt with a brown leather jacket and denim jeans. He looked up and when he saw me, a smile formed on his handsome face. Something told me that somehow today he was different but I couldn't pinpoint what it really was.

He took me to American Museum Of Natural History. I always wanted to go there but never had the chance too. We explored every bit of it. It took us almost four hours to completely visit the museum. We were so tired then he took me to an Italian restaurant and we ate till we were full. Just like always he let me choose the menu, something no other man could do consistently for six years.

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