Chapter 36

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Enrique's P.O.V

We skated for almost two long hours. I didn't leave her not even for a second, helped her by holding her shoulders. She was good. She learned it so fast. It was so entertaining. I didn't want to go yet but she looked tired.

I heard my phone ringing and we stopped. It was Ryan. I attended it, not loosing my grip on her hand, standing in her right side. After 30 seconds I felt her hand going out of my hold. I ended the call instantly and looked at her in confusion.

She was covering her mouth with both of her hands looking at a direction. A guy fell and his nose was bleeding profusely. Her eyes were showing so much concern for him, which awakened my possessive inner beast again. I stood in front of her and held both of her hands in mine.

"He'll b fine. You don't have to worry about a stranger. Let's go now. You must be tired."

Saying that I dragged her with me outside the arena then made her sit on the bench and untied her shoes. She didn't resist this time. Just when I was about to lace up her coat shoes, I looked up and she wasn't looking at me. Her eyes were fixed inside the arena, looking at that idiot with concern. I tied it quickly and stood up to block her view. She finally looked at me.

"Stop looking at him, damn it! He won't die because of the mere nosebleed." I yelled loudly in anger.

"Why can't I hear anything? Oh, that must be because you made me deaf."

She replied back while covering her ears with her hands. I was still fuming and she sighed lightly then held my hand and made me sit on the bench beside her.

"Do you want me to help or would you like to wear it yourself?"

She didn't had to do anything else. Just her touch was enough to make me calm again. Instead of replying, I wore my shoes, returned those skating one's then signalled her to go.

We were walking slowly and talking about little things here and there. First time she asked about me, my life, my interests. We got to know each other more. We almost reached near ice cream parlor when she stopped suddenly.

"Enrique look. Awww such a cute baby."

I looked at the direction and it was a little girl in arms of her mother, her father playing with her adorably. She was really cute. I cooed at Natalie's behavior.

Without giving me a heads up, she walked towards them. I followed her. She greeted them then after some talking took that little girl in her arms.

She was looking like a baby herself smiling and talking to her so cutely. Then turned towards me and told me to hold her. I got nervous. I never held a baby before. Looking at my hesitating figure, she looked at me questionably.

"I.... actually, I never held a baby before... I don't know how..." I stuttered a lot before finishing completely. I was looking at that baby with fear in my eyes like it was a bomb and was going to explode if I touched her.

She looked in the direction of that baby's parents and they all started laughing at my statement. I looked at Natalie she was red because of laughing too much then she hugged that baby tightly maybe to control her laugh. Then turned towards me again, smiling widely.

"It's okay. You'll learn a new thing today."

Saying that she shoved that kid into my arms. My eyes widened and I continuously opened and closed my mouth in utter shock.

What am I supposed to do with this thing? Her.

She was like an angel. She was looking at me very seriously. I was looking at her too. It looked like a competition was going on between both of us that who'll avert stare first. Then an unexpected thing happened. She smiled a little while touching my face with her cute little tiny hands.

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