Chapter 11

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"So he's your dad's best friend's son?" Ashley yelled in shock.

"Yes Ashley. Don't make me deaf. Damn it. What's with the yelling?" Natalie sounded irritated.

"Ughhh Natalie, please don't tell me that you're still not attracted to him. Don't you think, he's handsome? He looks like a greek God." Victoria spoke in a dreamy voice.

"No, I don't think so. Because my criteria for handsomeness is different. If a person has shitty personality then his outer shape doesn't count, handsome or not, doesn't matter at all." Natalie spoke in a serious tone.

"But Natalie..." Victoria tried to reason with her.

"No leave this topic you can't stop me to hate his guts. So leave it because just talking about him makes my mood worse." Natalie stopped Victoria to speak any further.

"Fine fine. I got it." Victoria threw her hands in surrendering and spoke softly.

"Anyhow, how's Adrian? It's been such a long time since I last saw him. Is he still handsome?" Ashley tried to change the subject.

A smile crept over Natalie's face.

"Yes totally handsome. Just like he always was or probably more. He'll stay here in New York. He said he had a surprise for me. I wonder what it is." Natalie said smiling widely.

"Wow, a surprise? Is he going to confess finally?" Victoria spoke in a teasing tone.

Ashley and Victoria always thought that Adrian had feelings for me. But I never felt that. We were just close friends. He has helped me a lot in my difficult times and i've returned the favor but it doesn't mean that he loves me in a romantic way or anything.

"Haha very funny. When are you guys going to stop spouting such nonsense he's just my friend. A confession? No way. It's not like that I am sure." Natalie replied in a calm tone.

"Alright Natalie, if he's handsome and you're not interested in him then why don't you set me up with him? I am in desperate need to go on a date after my break up with my 30th boyfriend." Elena said while winking at my direction.

"Hahahah 30th boyfriend? You got some skills girl. I am sure you don't need my help then. You can go on a date with anyone you want." Natalie said laughing loudly at Elena's statement.

"Yeah right. I'll take it as a compliment. Wow, I got my confidence back just like that. Thanks Natalie." Elena muttered sarcastically.

"Hahahah alright alright. I'll see if I can help." Natalie said laughing a little.

"That's my Natie." Elena said while giving a kiss on her cheek.

"Hahaha what the fuck? Are you drunk? I am straight. Go away." Natalie pushed her back immediately.

"Lesbian for you baby." Elena said in a flirting tone this time.

"Shutttt upppp." Natalie yelled at her.

All of them started laughing at Natalie's red face.


Enrique's P.O.V

I've been trying to ignore her and it's already making me anxious. I wanna see her so badly. Last time, I saw her was at that dinner which was two days ago. After that I decided that i've to control myself I can't lose it just for a mere girl who I don't even like in the first place.

But it's getting hard. I just wanna see her once. No talk no nothing. Just a glance at her face and I'll be alright. God help me what is this? I've been pacing to and fro in my room for half a day now. I don't get this. Why me? What kind of obsession is this? Then suddenly I heard my phone ringing. I picked up.

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