Chapter 12

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Natalie's P.O.V

"So you're the girl who got the guts to insult my Enrique." A girl yelled at me right when I settled in my chair after getting into class. She forced her tongue on "My Enrique" in such a way that I couldn't stop myself from laughing.

"And you must be his babysitter?" I asked in an equally teasing tone.

"How dare you call me that?" She was totally losing herself in anger now.

"Oh baby girl, I dare. So keep that shitty attitude to yourself and tell that boy of yours to fight his own battles rather than hiding behind girls." I retorted back in a calm yet challenging tone.

"He didn't say anything and since he's my boyfriend so I know how to fight for my man. Don't even think about seducing him. He's mine." She said being extremely confident this time.

"Hahaha what the hell? You actually think I'll try to seduce that jerk face? Sweety, I don't steal, I own things so you better not say such nonsense again it's making me sick." I was getting irritated now.

"Yes, you better not. I am Helen Mathews. You're new so you may not know me but lemme warn you, I can make your life living hell if you mess with me." She tried to scare me with that horrible make-up face of her's and since she tried to warn me and I didn't like her tone so instead of further bickering I went with plan B.

"Who did your make-up?" I asked out of blue casually looking at her face.

"Whaattt?" She was beyond shocked at my question.

"No offense but did you use your cosmetic stock of one year in one day? What's with your lipstick? God! You look so horrible like a total witch. I am scared." I said while putting a hand on my eyes and faking the scared face.

"Oh my God, why did you say that? I did it myself. I need to use rest room to check myself. We are not done here." She said while almost running to the ladies washroom.

Hahaha poor girl. I knew this kind. They are always conscious about their looks. Natalie, you're a total sarcastic bitch hahaha. I mentally did a high five.


I went to get a tea cup from vending machine after my class ended and just when I was about to enter my credit card someone covered my eyes with hands. Within seconds, I knew it was Adrian. I mean, I know the guy for 5 long years of course I'll recognize his touch.

"Adrian, this stuff is old now why don't you try something new." I asked knowing it was him.

"Hahaha oh princess, how are you always so sure." He said laughing at my reaction while removing his hands.

"Because it's been 5 years suffering this torture." I said dramatically sighing a little.

"Hahaha hey, I am your best friend okay and I can torture you all I want. It's my right." He yelled in my ear.

"Alright stoppp it. Why are you here anyway?" I asked while pushing him back a little. He almost made me deaf.

"You should be happy actually. I am finally going to tell you what that surprise was about." He said smiling a little.

"Yayy!! What is that? You were making me die of curiosity all this time." This time it was me who yelled in excitement.

"Haha alright alright. Just close your eyes and turn around." He said in his dreamy voice.

"You're making me crazy now Adrian. Fine, whatever just do it quickly. Don't make me wait too much." I warned him then did what he told me to do.

After when barely 30 seconds had passed. He spoke again.

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