Chapter 22- Friends?

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Natalie's P.O.V

He did it again. I mean what's the point in hitting a guy who's just talking to me? I learned martial arts, I can protect myself and why did he do it anyway? Does he really want to be my friend or is it something else?

Who punches random people if they just want to be friends? Yeah I am being irrational, Adrian did that too for me. But he was just my friend, he confessed his feelings now but he have always treated me as a friend. But he said I never was just his friend for him so does this mean that Enrique too...?

Aaah!!! so confusing. I would've accepted his friendship request only if he wasn't giving me double vibes and on top of that in the end, I got called in principal's office because of his stupidity.

Aaahh!!! Enrique I am going to kill you.


"Natalie I think you should accept it. What's the harm in adding another friend in your friend circle? He's not that bad. I mean he's serving looks all the time plus he's rich just ask for a bugatti chiron as a gift in return. You're crazy about cars so it'll worth it. A win-win situation for both of you." Ashley spoke while winking at me.

" Ashley spoke while winking at me

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"Hahaha bugatti.... and shut up. He looks so mysterious, God knows what he's up to. Probably getting my trust and then killing me, that's his plan I am telling y'all." I said in a low voice.

"Hahaha God! Natalie you have to stop watching thriller movies every night." Ashley spoke again laughing crazily at my statement.

"Not every night. Jason is going back this week to complete his last semester. But after getting his degree, he's coming back permanently. Aaah!!! so disturbing. Why is everyone leaving me these days? " I said sighing a little remembering Adrian.

"So that you can add new people in your life like Enrique." Ashley whispered in my ears to provoke me.

"I have a question if you accept it then will he let us touch his muscular body once? Hmm? Please???" None other than Victoria asked curiously being serious as hell.

"Hahahaha rot in hell. Ewww what kind of kinky stuff you have in this stupid little brain of yours." I laughed and pinched her cute face repeatedly.

"All good stuff all good stuff for example yummy yum nutella abs." She again said something to make me and Ashley go into fits of laughter.

"Hahahah I'll kill you Victoria. Just shut your mouth." I yelled at her by placing a hand on her mouth.


I was sitting in the library reading a book, sitting in my usual corner seat beside the wall when I felt someone's presence in front of me. I looked up and as expected it was that devil again. I sighed a little at his stubbornness.

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