Chapter 20

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Natalie's  P.O.V

Date last night was pretty much awesome. Mom was right that guy was amazing. Out of his looks most important thing was that he made me laugh. Not all men have good humour. I was reserved in the begining since I knew there was no second date going to happen. But that guy practically made me laugh with his hilarious jokes. He was good looking but most of all decent.

So I changed my mind and when he asked me on a date again I said yes instead of no something I don't do often. I wondered what it was, probably I was missing Adrian.... of course I was missing him. Ever since he confessed, it made things awkward for me.

See that's why I didn't want to date my best friend. You could ruin your friendship if you start dating and break-up unluckily. But he was Adrian, a guy who have always made me comfortable. He gave me a little space of almost one week then he was back to normal. Talking for hours through video calls every day, telling each other important things happening in our lives just like always.

Only difference was that I kept details of my dating life from him. I was sure sooner or later he would talk about 'us' again so I didn't want to bother him until then.

Enrique's  P.O.V

My phone was ringing continuously but I didn't pick up. I had no energy to move. I was sick and I just found the root cause of that. My confession in front of her painting scared me and after that I completely realized there was no going back for me. After all that crying and smashing everything at my place, I was completely numb on the ground. I felt like I was going to faint any minute now.

But then I heard a doorbell. Who could it be? I never have visitors. How badly I wanted it to be Natalie....Whoever it was, he was impatiently pressing on the doorbell continuously.

I somehow managed to stand up by the support of my bed edges. I dragged my body without taking in account the destructive condition I and my apartment was in. I opened the door slowly. It was Ryan panting heavily. He looked at me up and down in disbelief then he spoke:

"Do you still have nothing to say to me?" I realized he knew everything...

Tears started flowing down on my cheeks again. I was looking at him with pain evident in my eyes.

"I love Natalie."

That's all I had to say. That's all my mouth managed to speak. He looked at me with a little knowing smile then he hugged me, leaving no space in between, patting my back lightly. After which I couldn't control anymore. I cried my eyes out weeping like a kid. But I didn't have to pretend in front of him anymore.

That's what I needed.... a friend and he was here. My best friend, my brother. I didn't have to tell him anything, he knew it all along. I was so blessed to have someone like him around.

All that crying was not because I felt helpless, it was because of the shock that I fell in love finally, a thing in which I had no believe whatsoever,  was now everything for me. I didn't feel disgusted that a girl broke me down like this, not even for a minute  instead I felt proud because it was Natalie. A girl I chased for so long, a girl who's different than any other girl in this world and a girl I love to death. In the end my mind and heart are in synchronization finally. Now they know what they wanted all this time.

After a long session of me crying my heart out when I felt satisfied, I let him in. He entered and looked at the apartment awestruck while running a hand through his hair in frustration and shock.

"Damn it, Enrique! What have you done? Does it look like a apartment to you? It looks like a dinosaur was set on fire here." In return I just smiled sheepishly. He moved towards my room and I crossed his way.

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