Chapter 38

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Enrique's  P.O.V

I took him to the same place, Natalie took me to last time when she cleared things with me. He was looking at me with his lips pressed into thin line and eyes looking at me sharply.

He was of same height as me and we kept glaring at each other for a while when I finally broke the silence by asking him the question I wanted his answer to be in no. Though it was very clear.

"Do you like Natalie?"

"Of course I do." He spoke like it was some universal truth.

"Then keep that in that head of yours what I am going to tell you next. You like her but I love her." I moved forward to look more into his eyes and spoke in an aggravating yet calm tone.

"Say that again, you bastard." He yelled in anger and punched me in my face.

"I love Natalie Williams. She's mine. I don't want you to ever hug her again."
This time I yelled too to make my voice clear every doubt he had.

"I love her too and she's not yours to claim. I'll hug her whenever I want."

He punched me again and said what I hated to hear from my core. I lost control and punched him as hard as I could to which he only smirked darkly.

"Do you think she'll accept you? She barely accepted you as a friend. Stop dreaming jerk." He grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and spoke in a  threatening tone.

"She has to accept me. I'll make her do that by hook or crook. What are you gonna do? Tell her that I've feelings for her? Do it. That's exactly what I want." I punched him again and spoke while grabbing him by his neck then kicked him in his stomach.

"Just shut up. Shut up before I kill you."

He looked like a beast which was set free and I was enjoying every bit of it. He punched me again and my lip started bleeding then he kicked me back in my stomach but I didn't retort back this time.

Instead, I laughed in mockery. He looked at me like I've grown two heads. He racked a hand through his hair in anger. His knuckles were bleeding and he was looking at me with bloodshot eyes.

"Haha I am done here. I just wanted to make sure you don't dream about her anymore, thinking you're the only admirer of her. Because boy, I don't fear from getting killed or kill for her." I laughed sarcastically again and spoke in a dead serious tone and forced my tongue on each word in the end.

"Neither do I."

He looked dead into my eyes and spoke one last time and started walking where Natalie was. I followed him.

I let him punch me willingly without protesting. She hates violence right? Let her see what her best friend did to her uncle Montario's son. He sure looked beaten too but I can say that I did that in self defense. Huh, I smirked.

Natalie was waiting anxiously and when we went closer, she looked at both of us horrifyingly then came close where we were standing, looked at our condition thoroughly then yelled in anger.

"Do you both call this talking?"

I didn't speak at all. I just kept looking at her to see if she was worried for me, even a little bit and I was dancing in ecstasy internally because she was. But the problem was that she looked worried for both of us.

"We were just sorting something out and I think I made things clear to him." Adrian spoke trying to smile a little to divert her attention while looking at me sideways intensely then after a while spoke again.

"Let's go."

She looked at me with anger in her eyes and walked away with him. I sighed lightly and kept looking at them going far and far away from me. Then suddenly Ashley came in front of me with Victoria, jasmine and Elena beside her. They were all looking at me very curiously. I questioned while scrunching up my eyebrows.

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