Chapter 10

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Enrique's  P.O.V

Ryan told me earlier in the morning that today is the D-day. He was going to talk to Natalie and tell her about his feelings and crap. I was in a good mood when I left my apartment but it was all ruined now. Why does anything related to her bother me so much? I hate her.

The moment Ryan started talking to her, I felt the urge to kill him. He's handsome, rich and everything girls look in a guy. Damn it! I am losing my calm totally. Ryan gave his gift to her after some talking. I wonder if their hands touched. Fuck.

Focus on her reaction Enrique what shit are you thinking right now.

She unpacked the box and looked at what was inside. I felt my heartbeat fastened. She likes it . Shit shit shit.  She's accepting his gift. Why am I feeling so frustrated? I should've done something before what was I thinking that she'll ignore a perfect guy and reject that hell of an expensive gift.

Think something else Enrique divert your attention.

But I've never felt these emotions before what's happening to me.

Then something happened which made me laugh hysterically. She threw that necklace away and gift wrapper and box into the trash can.

Hahahaha thank God. I didn't know why but it gave me an immense amount of pleasure. She rejected him. All my friends were shocked. This was a first for all of us. Girls never throw gifts away specially if they are costly but she did. Hahaha I like her.
Wait what?

Rot in hell Enrique.

I looked up at Ryan. He was dumbfounded. I gave him my best sympathy look and told him to change his mind and just forget about this bullshit. But internally, I was screaming in happiness.

A girl dumped your best friend and you're happy? Dig yourself a grave you asshole of a human being.

Ian and Jay also helped him calm his mind and told him to move on.

I finally had peace of my mind back.


"Dad I am not in the mood. I am tired too." I stated clearly.

It was Sunday morning when I received a phone call. Dad wanted me to come with him and mom to meet some family from Brazil. He told me it was necessary as they have moved to New york and he wanted to welcome them so he arranged a small get together and made some reservations at a fine restaurant.

"No Enrique, you don't have a say in this. I never comment on how you live your life anyway so you've to come for this. No excuses. It's important for me. Jacob is my best friend and I want to welcome him with my complete family around. But if you still don't want to go then tell me where can I buy a fake son, I'll take him with me." Dad spoke in a commanding yet playful tone.

"Hahaha dad, you and your humor.  Fine. I'll come. Just text me the details."

"That's like my son. See you there. Look good. He has a beautiful daughter."

"Look good? Yeah like I've any other option and dad, I don't care if she's beautiful I am not going there for a marriage meeting."

"Tell me that again when you're done meeting her. I've to go now. Be on time."

"Yeah dad. See you. Bye."
Have you ever seen a Rose flower laugh? No right? I have. Right when I entered in that restaurant's area which my father reserved for the evening, I saw her. She was laughing without giving a damn to the world. Her melodious voice. Oh her voice. such a turn on. Wait what?

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