Chapter 28

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Natalie's  P.O.V

I went with Enrique to showroom finally. At first I wanted to turn down his offer but that's cars we're talking about, plus since I've already agreed to be his friend there was no point in saying no without any genuine reason. I thought may be this would give me time to know him better and I did.

Victoria was right. Even though it's still early to judge him this quickly but I think he's a nice guy afterall. He's decent, mature and most importantly a little shy. Haha! I was shocked to see him blush like that. He's cute and what else? Yeah he's Scorpio like me that explains why we hated each other's guts in start.

I was with him for almost six hours and that time flew in seconds. He's chatty which means he's perfect to be my friend since I've always liked outgoing people.

We were talking about different things here and there and then he unknowingly made me remember that day. I was honest when I said I overreacted by slapping him but he doesn't know what I was going through that time. I barely managed to pull my life together a little. I didn't want any unnecessary attention. I wanted to complete my graduation in peace but that happened on my first day which aggravated me to my core.

All in all it was a great time. But at night he called me angel. What the hell? What's with guys calling me names though I liked whenever Adrian called me princess, he made me feel lovable.

It's still a little awkward with Enrique but I hope we become good friends just like our parents are!


I was sitting with my friends at the back of the building  when he asked me where I was. I told him I was with my friends in reply of which he said okay'.

We were playing chess and Jasmine was losing to me just like always haha she was whining cutely and I couldn't help but laugh at her reaction. I was still thinking about my next move when I heard someone calling my name. I looked up and it was Enrique.  How does he find me so quickly always?

"Hello Natalie? So playing some chess I see. Losing?" He asked in a teasing tone while smirking at me.

I had already thought about my next move so instead of answering him I focused on playing. It was my final move and I check-mated Jasmine then looked back at him.

"So you were saying something?"

I replied back returning his smirk with a smile. He started laughing at that.

"Hahaha wow, you're good. Wanna play with me?"

"Nah! I am fine without winning again." I spoke playfully while looking at him, flipping my hair in the right direction.

"Yes exactly, don't play with him."

Victoria spoke while giving him a glare and Enrique went all expressionless again.

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