Chapter 62

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Enrique's P.O.V

I was sleeping on my bed peacefully after Natalie pushed me to my room to get some sleep. This happened every single day. It was so amazing spending time with her that I lost track of day and night. We watched films and tv shows together and even if we got bored we would start talking non stop. We both were talkative and I couldn't be more thankful for that. I so wanted to sleep with her daily but she just won't let me.
Like I am talking about just sleeping together no intimacy. 

I was going to get graduated after summer so I decided to learn more about dad's business. That was my first day joining the office and though I was excited I was worried and confused too. Reason was Natalie. She kept trying to say something to me but everytime she would try to do that her tongue won't let her. I could clearly see how anxious she looked but she refused to tell me the reason behind.

I got frustrated even more when she tried to brush the topic off by talking in a fake cheerful tone. She dragged me outside of the apartment but I kept debating if I should go. Why won't she tell me? I am going to stay. I turned back to the apartment. She is never going to tell me right now. She would just get angry at me for skipping on my first day. Fine. I'll just go and be done with it. I'll ask her in the evening.

Day passed by in getting to know about my surroundings and other official stuff. I hired a male personal assistant who looked extremely experienced and professional. Initially dad's assistant hired a female for that position but as soon as I settled on my seat first thing I did was to change it. I didn't want to give Natalie any reason to start a fight or doubt me. Though I still wondered if she would get jealous over me.

I decided to leave at four p.m. as I wanted to see Natalie as early as possible. I was thinking of giving her a call so that she could come back to  apartment at the same time. I left my cellphone in my car since in the morning I was getting late and I didn't want office staff to have the first impression of me as irresponsible. I was their future boss. Who would want to get on the bad side of the people who work for you? I was heading out of the office towards parking lot with my coat in my left hand. I was almost near my car when I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"Oh hi Enrique. How are you?"

It was Amanda. A girl who never stopped getting on my nerves. What the fuck is she doing here? She's the reason I fought with Natalie that day. I feigned ignorance by rolling my eyes looking at her stupid face and started walking again. She took quick steps and stood in front of me. She batted her fake eyelashes in a try to look cute and earn some empathy from me.

"Hey that's rude. I am sorry for all those years. I liked you so much. I don't want you to get betrayed by a girl like her. You don't deserve her."

I lost my cool and yelled loudly at her while clenching my fists and jaw tightly glaring at her like a mad man. She still has the guts to talk about my girl like that? 

"Just shut up. I dare you to say one more word about her."

She smirked instead and brought out her cellphone from her shoulder bag.

"I won't say a thing but what I'll show you will say the unsaid."

Saying that she unlocked her cellphone and showed me something which made my mind go crazy and my heart stopped. It was a picture of Natalie hugging Adrian very closely. Her lips were inches away from Adrian's and they were laughing without a care in the world.

My calm state from two minutes ago was long gone. I felt rage building up inside me. That instense and violent urgency to kill that bastard with my own hands made my blood run fast through my veins. She spoke again making myself lose even more.

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