Chapter 16

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Enrique's P.O.V

It's been two days since I talked to her for the first time. I am angry at her behavior, happy to finally talk to her and mesmerized how beautiful she actually is.

All this time, I followed her from a reasonable distance so I didn't actually notice her face. I just looked into her activities and stuff. But that day when I saw her all irritated being around me, I have been feeling something different.

I am still angry that she didn't give me any chance to explain myself but I literally felt my heartbeat stop when she looked at me, there was disgust and hate only but still she managed to have this effect on me. I was in my room still thinking what to do with my life.... when suddenly I heard my cellphone ringing.

"Man, where are you? Are you on drugs? Why are you shutting everyone out from your life? Or have you found some new best friend, you jerk face, I'll kill you."

Ryan asked multiple questions without even taking a breath. Whenever he talked like that, it made me laugh.

"God! Ryan why are you so dramatic? I am not on drugs and no I don't need another best friend when I already have one who talks shit and gives me severe headaches all the time."

I spoke just to make him calm otherwise I knew, he'll continue blabbering on and on.

"Haha that's my boy. I want you here with me to attend this charity auction and if you don't want to come it's okay. Because it'll give me an opportunity to visit your precious little apartment by myself where I am sure you've hidden some girl you don't want us to know about."

"Shut up Ryan, I am just comfortable alone in my apartment that's why I don't invite you guys and what charity event?"

"It's an event my mom organized but she had this urgent task to complete at work so she won't be able to go there so I am going instead. I'll text you the details. Just come quickly, I am on my way."

"Alright see you!" I ended the call and started getting ready.


I arrived at the auction after an hour. I found Ryan talking to some people, may be organizers. I started walking towards him. The event was held at someone's rest house. It was huge. There was a park on my left where I saw kids playing cheerfully. 

I have always liked kids but never picked them up or talked to them. I mean they are cute and all, but what do you talk to them about? I was looking at them fondly, they were all very cute. Probably they were the kids of 'Orphans Organization', this auction was arranged for.

Then I saw a girl playing with them excitedly. None other than....Natalie! God! Natalie why am I seeing you all the time? Hallucinations? Or are you really here? She was looking like a kid playing with them, laughing with them, talking to them, something she wouldn't want to do with me... I went near Ryan and told him to go inside, I would come in a moment.

I didn't want him to see her. He had a little crush on her back then, how can I ignore that? He told me to come fast and went inside.

I went closer to her spot. She was now sitting on a bench looking at kids with so much love and I was looking at her with more passion than I ever knew I had in me. She picked up her DSLR placed on the bench and started taking pictures of them.

She was looking like a kitten smiling like there's no tomorrow. Who would think this is the same fierce girl from university who throws daggers at me every time I am near her.

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