Chapter 54

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Enrique's  P.O.V

Next day I went to her house in the evening without informing her beforehand. Though we cleared everything yesterday but her words kept coming back to me, making me burn in rage.

I get she doesn't have any feelings for me but how could she be this cruel? Telling a girl to date me? Sleep with me? She knowingly hurt me infinitely this time. Will she ever feel the same? Is she really dating me casually? 

Here everyday it was getting harder living without her and there she was living her life without any stresses.

Why my love is not strong enough to change her heart? What am I still missing in showing my true feelings towards her? Or am I getting greedy?

She has finally said yes. She has kissed me back with equal intensity I was kissing her with. She's trying. I should give her more time. But she shouldn't have said those words. A pang of hurt is still there even though I know all of this.

I walked inside her house with a heavy heart. She was standing on the couch tying the knot of her father's necktie very lovingly with an adorable expression plastering on her face.

She was wearing an oversized sweater reaching her thighs with jeans and a winter cap on her head covering half of her beautiful long hair revealing her cute little ears behind. She was so engrossed in her work she didn't notice me. I signalled uncle to stay silent and kept looking at her face and hand movements.

Why am I not wearing a suit right now?

I want her to tie my necktie too and with more passion and love than this. She was looking like a baby. A sigh left my mouth. She completed her task and uncle kissed her forhead lightly then caressed her cheeks making me envy the situation even more.

"Look who's here princess."

She turned back to look at me with wide eyes and I smiled lightly in return.

"Well I have an urgent meeting to attend. I'll see you guys later. Bye." Uncle said hurriedly looking at both of us and moved towards exit.

"Bye dad."

"Bye uncle."

After he was gone I kept looking at her without moving forward. She finally looked at me and asked in a monotone.

"Why didn't you tell me that you were coming?"

I replied in the same tone, still glued to the ground.
"So that I could see you. You would've locked your room if I did."

She shook her head slightly then gestured me to sit on the couch. I finally strode forward and sat silently. She sat too but at the corner of the couch creating the maximum distance she could between us or at least that's what it felt to me.

This always happens. Whenever I am angry at her or sulking or hurt at something she did, I always get even more sensitive at her behavior towards me. Everything gets more on my nerves than usual. I was still trying to fight my emotions to not startle her but I just couldn't anymore.

I was staring at the floor with a serious expression plastered on my face, my eyebrows knitted tightly in frustration. I finally started speaking without looking at her.

"Why did you say that to her Natalie? How could you? Do you even realize how hurt I am at your behavior from yesterday? You should've slapped her. That's what your reaction should be when any girl comes near you and even says my name. That much possessivity I want from you."

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