Chapter 39

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This chapter is dedicated to Zalienz
a girl who was here since day 1 and
helped me promote this book every

now and then :)


Enrique's P.O.V

I was sitting inside her house with her parents, waiting for her to come downstairs and when she came, she took my breath away by saying that she didn't know me and walked outside. I excused myself then ran after her. She was more angry than I expected. She was talking to me just like she used to in the start when we weren't friends.

I got so angry and frustrated at the realization that she was acting like we were unknown to each other. She bit her lip on top of that to make my already uncontrollable heart, beat more crazily. I couldn't look at her because of that and kept looking at the ground to control myself from doing anything stupid.

The best thing was that she finally agreed to go with me for therapy. Since she said yes, I've been looking for a best female psychiatrist in New York.

A male psychiatrist would be a better choice for the girl I love? Yeah right.

I was sleeping peacefully in the morning when I felt someone caressing my cheeks lightly. The touch felt like it was a feather. I opened my eyes slowly. It was Natalie! Looking at me open my eyes, she smiled. The most beautiful smile, I had ever seen.

Her eyes lit up at my gaze. She was looking at me with same intensity, I had always looked at her. It felt like a dream but it wasn't.

I wanted to touch her to see if it was real but something told me to hold back. What if she disappeared? I was still contemplating what to to do next when she moved more close to me, her eyes swarming with hundreds of emotions, love being one of them.

God please, let this be real or if it's not then don't wake me up from this beautiful nightmare.

She was lying there peacefully looking breathtakingly beautiful, her eyes looking nowhere but me then she leaned in, I froze. Her gaze was so intense like telling me thousands of unspoken words but I was too occupied observing the events happening before my eyes that I couldn't comprehend properly.

My breathing pattern became irregular. My heart started to beat erratically. Let this be real, let this be real, I kept repeating in my head.

She was touching me very softly like I was the most precious thing in the world. Her fingers leaving a burning sensation to my eyes, my nose, my lips, my forehead, my hair, my eyebrows, my jawline then back to my lips. She was touching them with so much endearment, I shuddered at her touch, making my lips press more into her slender long fingers.

My eyes met her mesmerizing one's then my gaze moved down to her well defined nose, her rosy cheeks, her plump lips then it stayed there like they had found their target.

Her touch ignited the fire inside me.

I wanted to kiss her. I wanted to kiss her so badly. But before I could do something, she leaned in and kissed my forehead. Her lips stayed there for a while, her hands cupping my face lovingly. My eyes closed at the intensity.

How long I've waited for this... please don't go, please don't. Stay here with me...

I kept praying inside when I felt the touch I felt, was long gone. I opened my eyes abruptly only to find no one there.

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