Chapter 9

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Enrique's P.O.V

"Okay guys you don't have to do anything else. Just go to first floor's corridor as she's attending a class right now. I'll talk to her after her lecture." Ryan spoke in a hurry.

"Oh God you're really doing it finally. I wonder what her reaction would be. This is all so exciting." Jay sounded thrilled.

"Yes I am. I really hope she accepts me because I am sure she'll accept the gift." Ryan said with his signature smirk and confidence.

They all looked like they were going to find a Gold mine. They were excited as hell and then there was me! I hated every bit of it. Why is Ryan so intimidated by her? Why can't he let her go and move on to some other girl? What if she accepts? What then? Would I be able to handle that? But Ryan looks really involved right now.

No! I can't deal with this shit. I thought I'll just go with the flow when the time comes but I can't. I don't want Ryan or anyone else to go near her. Shit! Why can't I control this rage inside me?

"Ryan? Just forget about it. She's not the only girl in this world for God's sake. Go for someone else, someone more mature and beautiful not someone who slaps guys like she owns the fucking University." I knew I was completely talking nonsense at that point but I had to say something to make him change his mind.

They all started looking at me like I've grown two heads.

"What's wrong? Why don't you want me to try on her? Tell me honestly are you interested?" Ryan said in a rough tone.

I got angry at his question. "Interested? Me? In her? No way in hell. I just don't want my best friend to go near a girl I don't like that's all."

"Oh so someone is possessive about his best friend? Hahaha alright don't take it so seriously she'll be my girlfriend and you'll always remain my best friend." Ryan laughed a little now.

I knew if I had given him any idea that it's not him that I am possessive about, he would've dug my grave here so I decided to let it go.

"Fine do whatever you want. She doesn't matter anyway." I feigned ignorance but my mind was thinking otherwise.


Natalie's P.O.V

"Hello Natalie how are you?" Ryan asked with a slight smile on his face.

what the hell? Why is he greeting like we're besties? I ignored him and started walking again.

But he stopped me in my tracks again.

"Look I know you're kind of mad at our group for what my best friend did that day. But believe me that wasn't his intention. I am sure he feels guilty too and for that stupid mistake I apologize sincerely."

He was wearing black check shirt with black pants. He Had a muscular body and dark brown hair. His eyes were light blue with a glint of mischievousness. His sharp jaw line was complimenting his features. A handsome jerk I thought.

"He was the one who threw it. You've nothing to feel sorry about and I was pretty honest when I told him that we're even so I don't need this apology of yours." I retorted in a final tone.

"Okay I got it. But since I felt a little guilty being involved that day so I apologized. But I need to tell you something other than that actually." Ryan said making me intrigued a little.

"What else now?" I retreated.

"Actually the thing is..... that I like you. I've been having second thoughts about talking to you because I was sure you'll take it in a wrong sense. But I really truly like you. You don't have to answer yet just accept this present that will give me your answer." Ryan said in a husky voice and practically shoved that box in my hands.

The nerve of this guy, I thought.

After giving it to me he passed me a seductive smile and walked away. I was standing still. I wanted to give it back to him but since I was very touchy about gifts so I thought why not have a look first and then do what I always do to unexpected presents. Hmmm entertaining it will be, I smirked.

I moved towards the railing. There was a bench and on it's opposite side there was a trash can. After I heard him say that he'll get my answer by this present. I was sure that he would be standing somewhere near. I'll give him my answer I smiled while looking at trash can.

I tore the gift wrapper and put down the wrapping sheet on the bench. I slowly opened the box and took out what was inside. I was stunned for a while at what I saw.

It was my favorite Cartier platinum necklace with my initials on it. At the base of it there was a diamond. It was beautiful, so simple and elegant. I always had this thing about Cartier necklaces . I had a large collection but I was never satisfied with it. This was an expensive gift to give some random girl or probably he knew about my interest in these. He has done some research I thought.

There was also a card in the box. I started reading it while holding that necklace in my left hand. His writing was unique but he used those cliche lines which made me sick while reading them. He wrote that how I became his object of interest after he saw me first time and all that crap. When I was done with reading I gave one last look to that chain and was about to act upon my plan but then my phone started ringing.

It was my best guy friend Adrian. A smile crept over my lips. He always had that effect on me. I respected him, cared for him and adore him in every possible way. He was there for me when I was in the worst phase of my life. When "that" happened I shut everyone out and told everyone that I'll be fine on my own so leave me alone.

Everyone understood and gave me my space. But Adrian was always there for me. He tolerated my harsh tone and rude behavior. There were days when I felt so angry that I even cursed him to leave me alone. But he was just like me, stubborn to another level, he never left. He even gave up on his dream to complete his master's in Australia . He got accepted in a University there but refused to go. He was the one who brought me back to my old self by cheering me up constantly. I was really grateful to him for that. He was in Brazil these days waiting for the admission test result.

I started talking to him while unconsciously staring at that chain. When I ended the call I picked up the card and wrapping paper from bench. In the blink of an eye I tore both in half. I threw the necklace from railing to the ground floor then threw those torn pieces and box into the trash can and after giving that a disgusting look I started walking towards elevator like a boss.

"Yeah Natalie, you go girl. You're awesome."

Another chapter. You guys can thank me later.

Read and enjoy first ;)

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