Chapter 14

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Enrique's P.O.V

I am sitting in the library for 2 hours. She's sitting alone at a table next to mine. She always sits in the corner seat beside the wall. I've been staring at her face for two long hours and I still can't figure it out that why does she have this effect on me. How I got so obsessed in such little time? Am I really falling for her? Why her? Why not some other girl? There are enough girls out there who've treated me with respect not with a fucking slap.

What am I gonna do? This doesn't look good right? Oh no! I got this. I am going crazy I should talk to a psychiatrist or something. Me getting insane is the only logical explanation of this bull crap.

I've decided to follow her from morning to night or until she gets her home safe. Stalking? No that's not stalking I am just following her to get to know about her whereabouts, interests and daily routine etc.

I didn't realise I was staring her like a creep. She looked up and our eyes met. Shit !

Those light brown angelic eyes again!!

Why are her eyes so hypnotically beautiful? I couldn't look at them for more than ten seconds and averted my gaze. My face always has those cold and rude expressions for others but whenever she looks at me I turn into a total goofball.


It's been two weeks following her. And I can tell that I am losing, losing myself to her, completely but not willingly. She's something else. She's not just a crush. If she was, I would want her to be my girlfriend, a fling or whatever. But it's nothing like that. Instead I want to be the only one she cares about.

See? One and a half month ago I didn't even care about some random girl's unwanted attention and now I am all about that crap. I want her to love me. I want to be the reason of her smile. I want her to tell me everything going on her mind. I want to be her best friend, a friend she would be so comfortable with, that she'll share every worry of her life.

Recently I've been seeing her a lot in university with her friends. It's like she's everywhere. I wait for her in the morning and just by looking at her once I feel I can breathe again. I feel alive. I panic when she get's late. But She's not my responsibility. You're not her guardian for God's sake Enrique !!! But my stupid brain is completely non-functional these days.


That enemy of mine and her so called best friend Adrian has gone. Thank God! Every time I saw her with him I felt like punching him in his stupid face but we don't want to get on her bad side. Do we? At airport I saw her hugging him again and I almost lost myself. I wanted to break his arms,holding her so tightly. But thank God just when I was about to approach them my mom called me which distracted me for a bit and in the mean time I saw him going inside the waiting area. I felt like yelling in happiness, I had this wide smile reaching ear to ear on my face. I was feeling like a teenager all over again.

Every passing day I am getting more possessive and caring towards her. I still haven't figured out what this foreign feeling is, but it's for sure I don't want her to be just my girlfriend and my instincts tell me that even if I ask directly then without even thinking she'll reject me in a second.

So I am going to make her my friend first and figure out what kind of feelings I have towards her because I've never felt them before. Probably after being friends, I'll go back to my old self.


It was around 11 am when I saw her getting out of class and talking to her friends then she hopped in the elevator, I followed her. I saw her going into the library and then she sat at her usual table. When she settled down I went inside and sat in a chair opposite her and pretended like I was casually sitting there. In an instant when she felt someone's presence, she looked up and when she saw me, she had this look like:

"Why the hell are you sitting here? Have you gone crazy?"

Yes girl I am getting crazy because of you! !!

She started to look around. Half of the library was empty. She gave me a look while scrunching up her eyebrows and with confused face like:

"Are you blind? There are empty seats everywhere."

I saw her with blank space and started reading my book again. I thought she'll ignore me after that but no, just like always she proved me wrong again. She started picking her stuff and went outside. Shit! What was I thinking? That she'll give me a welcoming hug? Of course she's uncomfortable around me.

I need to change that by making her get used to my presence.

Lately I've been very frustrated at her reaction. I've been trying so hard to be friendly and she just keeps ignoring me. Everytime I sit at the same table as her, within a blink of an eye she grabs her stuff and walks away. I've decided today that I am going to talk to her. I'll try to be as gentle as I can be but she needs to stop this cold attitude towards me.

"Natalie are you free? We need to talk." I finally asked her right when she stepped outside of the library.

"Excuse me? Talk? Last time I checked you weren't in my friend list." She said with a blank face and started walking again. I promised myself to be gentle but her giving me that hate look was making me angry now.

"Look I am sorry. I should've apologized right after our first encounter but it should be okay now, I guess. I am sincerely saying sorry to you."

"Wow. Did you just say sorry to me? And what should I do now? Clap for you? Listen Mr. I told you before too we were even. I don't need your apology so move aside." She snapped back at me. Even in anger she was looking so pretty with her black top and jeans, loose ponytail and just like always she was wearing very little make-up.

"I know you don't need my apology but I want you to forgive me. Let's be friends? Hmm? I know we didn't started off well but trust me I'll try to be a good friend." I again crossed her path when she took few steps towards elevator.

"Haha wow such confidence. Do I look like I need a friend? Just leave the hell out of me. I am still considerate because you're uncle Liam's son so don't test my patience."

"Natalie please try to understand I don't have any other intention so please will you...."

"Just shut up. I've enough of your nonsense, I've better things to do." She said it all with such disgust and hate plastered on her face that I felt like thousands knives throbbing in my chest. Then she went inside the elevator leaving me all more frustrated than I previously was.

What are you doing to me Natalie? Why are you hurting me like this? And why does it bother me so much that she didn't talk to me with a smile on her face? I hate all of her friends. What did they even do to deserve her friendship? She's smiling all the time when she's with them.

I sighed loudly while running my right hand through my hair in frustration.

Enrique Montario! It's not going to be easy for you this time.....

Aaah! I barely finished this chapter. Guys share it with your friends...

Higher the amount of reads on my story, more I'll be passionate in writing next chapters :)

Good morning readers.
Have a blessed day. I know it's already blessed since i've updated. Right? :P

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