Chapter 4 - First Encounter

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Natalie's P.O.V

I wasted a year of my life because of that accident and it changed everything. It made everything even more meaningless to me. I was even more prone to relationships now. When I turned 18, I never thought that something like this could happen to "us", to me.

Now after being a little stable, I am starting my university life in New york "the city that never sleeps" and I hope my stay there changes things, makes me forget that horrible incident of my life. I have to live for my parents, for my friends. They all love me so much.

I want every painful memory to disappear from my life completely. I wish it happens soon...


Enrique's P.O.V

"Enrique? Hey buddy. Where are you? We have a class at 8:30. Are you still in bed?" Someone spoke on the other side.

"What? Who's there?" I asked still half asleep.

"Your wife darling." Someone spoke playfully making me jump on my toes.

"What the hell?" I looked at my cellphone and as expected it was Ryan, my best friend and my enemy at the moment.

"You basta***! You almost gave me an heart attack by saying your wife." I got so angry at his false claim.

"Hahaha don't worry you'll find someone and even if you don't I am here my 'honey bear'."


"hahaha okay okay now get your fine ass here before I say more nonsense."

"Coming in 20 minutes." I ended the call right away.

I got up and went to the washroom and did my morning routine.

Urhhhh! Another hectic day! Little did I know that this was going to be a day I would remember for the rest of my life...


Enrique's P.O.V

I was sitting in the alley a little far from the entrance gate of university with my friends. We were talking and fighting over, who can throw the juice packet the farthest. I was so sure that it'll be me. They all had tried and now it was my turn.

I didn't notice but the packet was slightly open from above and it was full of mango juice. But at that moment I was so eager to win I didn't care and threw it with my full force.

All of us were looking at the packet that how farthest will it go and


It was splattered all over a girl, who probably just entered in the university. We were all stunned as it never was my intention.

Juice was all over her coat. It saved her dress underneath luckily because she had buttoned up the coat completely. I watched her in total shock of what just had happened. I was a little guilty too but I knew how a girl would react to my apology.

If a handsome guy like me is showing his soft side then it automatically means that he's hitting on and I didn't want to give any girl that impression so I composed myself and sat there unaffectedly.

Ryan whispered in my ear.
"Man! she's coming and she looks pissed."

I was well aware and she should be angry  I mean who wouldn't? Especially girls, who have a phobia about their dresses.

That girl's features were not clear as she was still far. But she was tall, almost 5'7".

She looked at us and then turned back to her bodyguard, who was now giving us death glares. She said something to him but he looked hesitant and kept following her then she stopped him with a hand gesture. He stopped right there, eyes on the ground.

She was now almost at our bench and I looked at her face which made me stunned.

She was so damn pretty

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She was so damn pretty. She had dark brown waist length wavy hair, oval face, big sharp light brown eyes, well defined nose, rosy cheeks and plump lips. Oh God! Her lips... I could just kiss them all day. Wait what? What the hell am I thinking?

"Who threw it?" She asked with her angelic voice in a calm yet authoritative tone.

Nobody spoke as I guess rest of my friends were also being perverts checking out this beauty. I hated that she was giving all of us those deadly glares.

It just ruined your coat not your dress. Big deal?  I thought.

"I am asking who the hell threw it?" She asked, this time even more angrily.

"I did." I finally admitted.

She was looking at me now. Her eyes were so beautiful, I felt like I was being hypnotized. But I had to discipline myself in the very moment because,

Enrique never falls for a girl.

"And you have nothing else to say to me?" She asked again her eyes questioning me dangerously.

"Do you want my number baby?" I offered instead of saying sorry which was my biggest fault ever.


The burning sensation on my left cheek made me realize what just happened. She slapped me. She fucking slapped right into my handsome face.

I was shocked to death. I had expected every outcome of my sentence. Girls would literally just throw themselves on me to get my number. I thought she would accept my offer or will ask for being friends or give me a flirtatious smile trying to get chased by me. But it was totally opposite.

"What? Does it hurt? It should. Next time something like this happens,


She said in a very serious tone forcing her tongue on last two words looking right into my eyes making my heartbeat faster.

I was mesmerized by her words and yet she was here looking hell fine scolding me like she was talking to a kid.

They met finally gosh!

As I promised, I am updating daily. Now please recommend it to your friends.

I need some passion to write the upcoming chapters :)

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