Chapter 52

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Natalie's  P.O.V

He has went all silent after our kiss. Sure he messaged in the night and called me in the morning.

But is it the right way? Isn't that rude stealing kisses without permission and then he is avoiding me on top of that? What? So now I want him to talk to me 24/7? Oh my God. Oh my God. I am going insane.

It's been two days and he hasn't even looked at me for once. Natalie get your shit together. That's what you wanted. You wanted time to think. He has given you time. Now think. He has messed up with my brain so badly. I won't talk to him either. He thinks I'll miss him? I won't. Go to hell, you jerk face.

Good morning? He sent me a message of good morning? He didn't even talk to me even on third day and that's what he had to say? Fuck morning. I won't reply.

In the night he again sent a message of good night but I didn't reply. I was still sitting with a sullen face in anger when he started calling. My heartbeat was fast again. I can't talk to him. God please, why am I getting so nervous these days? Why am I not comfortable around him anymore?

He stopped calling and sent me message instead.

"Natalie, pick up the call if you don't want me to come to your house right now." What an idiot? Who wants to see him at home?

He called again and I picked up immediately and the moment I picked up he questioned angrily.

"Why aren't you replying to my messages?"

"I was busy." I replied in the same tone.

"Yes, you sure were." He replied in a cold voice then went silent again. He kept releasing breaths like telling himself to calm down then spoke again in a frustrated tone.

"I am sorry. I didn't contact you in last three days. I just wanted to give you some space. You didn't even kiss me back. I felt like I forced you. I am sorry. Take your time. Tell me if you want, I won't disturb you again."

So that was what he had been thinking all this time that he forced me? God,  how stupid can he be? I was shocked damn it and he thought he forcefully kissed me? We are dating. This was going to happen anyway. I didn't expect him to take me to the church regularly instead. Though I didn't want that but it wasn't forceful. If it was I would've choked him to death then and there.

This time he pleaded in a soft yet even more frustrated voice.
"Please Natalie, say something. Did I really force you?"

"No, you didn't." I answered back in a low tone.

"Don't lie, damn it. Stop giving me this sympathy. You keep lying to me about this stuff because of me committing suicide that day. You're hurting me even more like this. I forced you. I am sorry."

He yelled through the phone taking deep breaths.

"Stop it, Enrique. You didn't force me and I never gave you sympathy. You think I'll date just anyone just because I pity them?"

I yelled back in response at his behavior. He didn't say anything for a while then muttered in an extremely sad voice.


I face palmed in frustration and warned him in a threatening tone.

"Say sorry one more time and I'll disconnect the call."

"No, don't. What were you doing?" He replied quickly. I sighed a little then answered back.

"I was going to sleep. You?"

"Can I see you, like right now?"

He questioned in hope in a very expectant tone. I shook my head in no like he could see me then muttered slowly.

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