Chapter 48

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Ryan's P.O.V

That call from uncle Montario made me choke on air, my whole world turned upside down. My best friend,  my brother. I was outside, driving my car back to my apartment when uncle called to blast that bombshell on me.

I turned my car to the hospital's direction. I saw uncle, aunt and unexpectedly Natalie too. They were all dead worried. But Natalie's condition was beyond explainable. She was crying too much like a baby. All night, she didn't move from that chair and kept praying while tears kept making their way down to her cheeks.

That view was just way too adorable for me. I had never seen a girl like that, cry for someone so much. She didn't eat or drink anything. I think among all of us, she was more worried for him.

Enrique is just so damn lucky!

But that bastard made her cry like this. She's like a flower. She should be taken care of very lovingly and he bloody did something like this to emotionally blackmail her. I knew it wasn't just for that.

When he told me that she rejected him, the sight of him being that heartbroken was miserable. He kept asking me why didn't she develop any feelings for him. He had been extremely frustrated at her reaction. He waited for a long time for her to say yes.

God, they both are so stubborn and keep hurting each other like enemies. I kneeled in front of her to tell her to go and see him. Anyone would get greedy to have her by his side but unluckily it was my best friend who was in love with her.

She was going to stay my favorite crush for the rest of my life! Her tears made me hurt too. She finally listened and walked inside the room to see him.

After a long time when she finally came out, she looked angry and frustrated even more. He must be awake, I thought. She greeted us one last time then went away quickly. I so wanted to drop her home because she didn't look okay at all but I had to see my asshole best friend first plus he wasn't going to appreciate my concern for her either.

We walked inside the room only to find him smiling adorably.

That jerk.

After his parent's emotional moment, I moved forward to punch the hell out of him but bloody seeing him like that made me delay my actions.

"Is she gone?" He asked being concerned as hell.

"Yes." I replied shortly. He kept looking at all of our faces.

"So?" I asked curiously.

"She said yes." He smiled like an idiot showing his teeth like he found a candy or something.

"She did? Oh my God. You both are going to date finally." Aunt squealed in happiness. Though she looked happy but one could see the hurt in her eyes, looking at their only child in that condition.

"Yes mom."

He smiled cheekily like he was talking about some picnic. Not even a glint of regret or sadness over the fact that he could die last night.

"God, why did I make this silly girl my best friend?" Looking at his stupid reaction, I groaned loudly in frustration.

"Shut up, jerk face. Don't get jealous." He looked at me then narrowed his eyes angrily but still with a little smile on his face 

"Oh you have no idea about that. You're lucky she said yes if it were me I would've killed you with my own hands for acting so immaturely." I retorted back angrily with a serious face still being not over the fact that he actually tried to kill himself.

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