Chapter 55

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Enrique's P.O.V

She hurriedly replied back softly.
"Take your time. I am not that hungry anyway."

I stated back smiling.
"Just maximum twenty five minutes."

Throughout working in the kitchen I kept stealing glances at her. My apartment's kitchen was see through and was few steps away from living room's couch she was sitting in. She was so engrossed in watching season she didn't notice me staring at her. She was laughing like a baby. Her laugh is contagious. She can create world peace by that smile.

After I finished making pasta. I went near her, switched off the tv then grabbed her hand. She pouted because of that. She is looking so cute. Should I just forget about my promise and kiss her? I shouldn't. She needs to trust me first.

I made her sit on a chair placed against the table where I had already set everything beforehand. Then I put some pasta in a plate and placed it near her. She looked at that with wide eyes in shock and muttered under her breath.

She was about to eat when I stopped her.

"Let me."

I fed her myself but right after she took first bite she flinched back quickly then placed a hand on her mouth and shook her head lightly.

"Oh no. Why is there so much salt in it?"

I got startled. What have I done? That was my first time cooking for her and I messed up. I hurriedly poured some water in a glass then placed it near her mouth, panicking.

"Oh shit. Really? I am sorry. I---"

But she didn't even let me finish and started laughing hysterically looking at my reaction.

"Hahahah the look on your face. It's so tasty Enrique. You sure know how to cook."

Hahaha Thank God she liked it. Such a good actor she is. I gently ruffled her hair and replied back softly.

"Yeah well. I try cooking sometimes."

"You should try more often. It's really yummy. You actually cook better than me."

I shook my head in disapproval and spoke quickly.

"No, you cook better."

She shook her head too, her eyes meeting mine.

"No, you."

I shook my head again and stated loudly.

"You you you."

She shrugged her shoulders lightly then nodded in agreement while answering in a confident tone.

"Okay thanks."

We both chuckled at that. Just so damn adorable. After she was almost done eating I finally asked the question anxiously.

"So do you like my apartment?"

She replied back smiling a little.
"Yeah it's nice. Most importantly it's clean which shocked me the first time I came here."


I raised one eyebrow in question. She knitted her eyebrows in confusion to that so I asked again.

"What is it that you don't like?"

"When did I say that?"
Her lips parted for a second then she questioned back. I replied smiling a little.

"You don't have to say it to make me realize that. I can read you. So what is it?"

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