Chapter 44

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Natalie's  P.O.V

Enrique called me to meet him at Lincoln Center of the Performing Arts. He never did that. He always picked me up from my house. On top of that it was night already. I yanked out any negative thoughts coming in my mind and got ready anyway.

I was searching him, standing on the staircase then after a while I found him finally. I was climbing stairs to go near him but he didn't move. He looked different. He was standing near fountain, his hands in his pants pocket. Something about him was totally different. He was looking at me so intensely, I got confused, my eyes questioning him to say something or tell me what's wrong and he did, making me lose my sanity.

I love you.

He spoke with so much longing, intensity, care and God knows what were those other hundreds of emotions swarming in his eyes. What the hell was that? I couldn't believe it. I thought he was joking or it was some kind of prank or something.

Before when Adrian confessed, I didn't react like this but it was Enrique this time. He told me he loved someone. That was one and a half year ago. He was talking about me that time? Damn it. He said he was clear about it from the beginning. I was right. He wasn't just possessive and dominating because he cared for me, he had other intentions.

Enrique......why did you have to do that? We were perfectly fine. We were best friends for God's sake or at least that's what I thought. I can't give him any hope when I don't feel anything for him even if it means to let him go.

His hold on my wrists was so strong that I could still see his hand prints on them. My mind was a mess. Did he actually do that?

I walked back inside my house still frustrated at what happened earlier and I got another surprise. Jason was sitting on the couch, talking and laughing with mom. He saw me then smirked at my shocked condition and walked closer.

I didn't move. I was looking at him with a stern face while rubbing my wrists lightly and spoke in a serious tone.

"Just one thing. Are you back permanently?"

He smiled at that and replied while shaking his head a little.
"Yeah. That's the plan."

I squealed in happiness and hugged him finally. He started laughing at my reaction.

"Missed me?"

"You bet, I did. Idiot."
I spoke in a whisper and snuggled more into his chest.

"I missed you too. There were times when I needed a sister too." He spoke in a serious tone this time while caressing my cheeks gently.

"Why are you talking so seriously? What's wrong?"
I asked in confusion holding him by his forearms.

"Times when I wanted to eat someone's chocolate ice cream, times when I wanted to tease my sister when she was sleeping like a dead cow, times when I wanted to fight with her to divert my attention when something was bothering me and times when I wanted to watch a movie on weekends with my princess."
He spoke smiling a little something flashed in his eyes which he covered up immediately.

"You missed me that much?"

"Doubts?" He asked back shortly.

"No. But I didn't."
I flipped my hair and shrugged my shoulders lightly to tease him. In reaction to which he got serious again and spoke with a sullen face, he looked like a kid. I laughed internally.

"Of course you didn't. Neither I nor Adrian was here but you're perfectly fine because of that friend of yours. What was his name again, mom?"

"Enrique." Mom smiled at him and answered lovingly. Damn it! I don't wanna hear his name right now.

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