Chapter 53-Intense We Were

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Natalie's  P.O.V

After talking to mom I was much relaxed but I was so desperate to talk to Adrian. I was grumpy as hell. Enrique called me and I kept ignoring him. You monster, you're the reason things are like this jerk face.

One whole week Enrique kept calling me, tried to talk to me in university but I kept giving him cold shoulder. I told him that I needed time and he should leave me alone for sometime. Why did I even let him kiss me? I hate him. I called Adrian, sent him countless messages but he didn't reply, making me even more sad and desperate than I already was.

I was sitting with my friends in university. Victoria was telling us some story of a Tv show she watched in a very hilarious way making me feel relaxed a little.

A group of three girls came near our bench. They all were wearing short clothes with heavy make up like a truck. One of them came towards my side and looked at me up and down in a very ignorant way. Then with a smirk she questioned me in utter irritation.

"So you're Natalie?"

Everyone stopped talking and looked at her suspiciously.

"Yes, why?"

I nodded my head a little and questioned back in confusion. All of my friends were looking at her and her what's their face nerds. Any other day the situation would be entertaining for me and I would've rewarded her with a smack on her fake ass or something but it wasn't any normal day. I was in absolute stress.

"Oh my God. What does Enrique see in you?" She looked at me with disapproval and spoke like she saw a witch.

"Shut up b****." Ashley replied her in the same way and stood beside me. I still didn't budge. I kept sitting on the bench unaffected. Why does Enrique know someone as irritating as her?

"And who are you?" I questioned in a serious tone curiosity getting the best of me.

"I am his ex girlfriend. But you wanna know something even more entertaining?"

She spoke with her stupid smirk plastered on her witch face. I looked at her in confusion scrunching up my eyebrows but what she said next was absolutely nothing I would've expected in my wildest dreams.

"He's extremely good in bed. It's a shame we broke up but I'll make him mine again. You have to step back. You don't deserve him."

A girl he slept with? She's the girl who was in bed with him and she has the guts to talk to me? So I am not bearing enough and now I have to face his sluts everyday? 

I was angry would be an understatement. I was burning with rage. I wasn't talking to him since the day Adrian stopped talking to me and now someone was mentioning his name while telling me to back off. I controlled my anger unexpectedly and spoke in a dangerously calm tone.

"He's all yours. Keep him."

"What did you just say?" She asked in disbelief. Her side bit*** were also looking at me like I've told them I was lesbian or something.

I started looking at my cellphone to feign ignorance and spoke again those words which I never should've said but who cares about sanity when you have already gone insane.

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