Chapter 57

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Natalie's  P.O.V

Though initially I didn't want to go but because of my parents and Enrique I changed my mind. I wore a red gown and half tied my hair with hot red lipstick and winged eyeliner with smoky eyes.

I was talking to my parents and their colleagues when suddenly the music turned on. Enrique called me fifteen minutes ago but he still wasn't here. I danced first with dad then uncle Montario. But I danced barely a minute when finally Enrique showed up asking for a dance looking handsome as hell. Damn it did I just call him handsome? But that's not a lie either. He's handsome.

He was looking extremely tempting in that burgundy tuxedo and black shirt. His features were more prominent in that color. Black is his color. That was the first time I found him seductive and probably he noticed it because of my nervousness. He's finally starting to have this effect on me. Then he had to whisper in my ear. Idiot sure knows how to seduce women.

He was leaning in and I knew I won't be able to escape from that. He kissed me. Our third kiss. No one's counting though. I wanted to kiss him but I was just too embarrassed because our parents were around but he wasn't giving a damn about that at all. He was getting aggressive every passing minute and I knew the reason.

So not to make him lose his mind even more I started kissing him back but it wasn't a time for a heavy make out so I kissed softly passionately. After finding me kissing him back his lips started moving in synchronization with mine. I retracted from the kiss and rested my head on his shoulder. Please God don't let our family witness this. That was all I wished for inside my head.

I was wearing make up. Seriously couldn't he wait? I wonder what I was looking like that time. But thank God when I saw myself in the mirror in rest room I didn't find much destruction of my lipstick to my liking.

Right when I was about to enter I saw Adrian. I was seeing him after one whole year. Has he lost weight? He didn't talk to me in whole month but that time it wasn't something to which I could pay attention much. I finally went near him and he asked me to come downstairs as he wanted to talk.

I told him that I'll be back after ten minutes so he went to get his car from the parking. But then Enrique had to show up and speak as rudely as harshly as he could. I couldn't even look him in his eye because of his rough behavior.

Right when I was outside the hall a tear escaped my eye. I just couldn't believe that he actually talked to me like that.

What am I getting myself into?

A tear? Really Natalie? Damn it. This is what I didn't want. This is what I hated the most. I becoming this weak because of someone. This is not the first time he has acted like this. He always does that. He always hurt me intentionally. I don't even love him but I am trying really hard just for him. But he just doesn't get it at all and he never will.

He keeps saying that he loves me but what kind of love is this when he can't even trust me? Abusing someone close to me right in front of me confidently? I won't talk to him this time. Enough is enough. I wiped my face quickly and went downstairs. But I was too tensed to talk to Adrian in that condition so I told him to drop me at home.

He asked the reason but instead of telling him I pleaded to talk some other day and made my tiredness the reason behind my reluctance. All thanks to my good acting that he didn't push me any further.

That's what I like the most about him.  He never forces me out of my will. Why can't Enrique get considerate towards me like this? No. I won't think about him anymore. I reached at home after an hour and apologized to Adrian one more time only to get scolded by him. How much I missed this....

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