Chapter 47- YES

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Natalie's P.O.V

I was sitting in the restaurant opposite to Justin. He was asking questions about my daily life and I was questioning back to keep the conversation going. Suddenly I felt someone's presence near me. I looked up. It was Enrique, looking at me with bloodshot eyes. Damn it. How did he know?

He said he wanted to talk. He was talking so rudely like he was talking to a stranger. I grabbed his hand and took him outside and maintained a reasonable distance to see him vividly. He asked again about dating him. I said no. I wanted to say more, to tell him that maybe he should wait a little and give me sometime but he didn't let me speak.

He started walking backwards, away from me then said something which sucked all blood out of my body. He wanted to die?  I stepped forward to reach him but he was real quick to get into his car and drove away. I was numb. He actually said that?  I kept calling him. But he didn't attend any of my calls.

I went inside the restaurant and told Justin that I had to go urgently then went back to his apartment. I kept pressing the doorbell then at last walked in but he wasn't there. I got in my car again and started calling him repeatedly. Someone attended the phone call and told me something which made my heart beat faster than ever.

"The owner of this cellphone had an accident just now. We are taking him to the hospital."

I froze in my seat.

This can't be happening again, right? This must be a dream. He can't do this to me. He can't die. He did the same thing Irina did. He knew how difficult it was for me to get out of that trauma and he did it just to torture me? To make me feel guilty? How can he act so immaturely? What do I do now?

My hands were shivering so much. I held the steering tightly.

Be strong, Natalie. He'll be fine. He has to be fine.

I drove my car to the hospital as fast as I could that I almost ran into an accident. Right after parking my car, I started running like a maniac. I was crying. Tears were falling down my cheeks continuously. People were staring at me but I could care less. I asked the receptionist about him and ran towards ICU. Doctor came out of the operation theatre. I hurriedly moved towards him.

"How's he? How's Enrique? He's alive right? Tell me, he's fine."

He placed a hand on my shoulder to comfort me. I covered my mouth to stop sobbing loudly.

"We have just started. Pray."

"Pray? You want me to pray? I'll sue every doctor if anything happened to him. I need to see him alive, damn it. He has to be fine. He has to be alive."

I managed to control my tears amd yelled at him loudly, harshly.

"Relax miss. Please relax. We are doing everything we can. Sit down and pray. Call his guardian. We need signatures on the form."

His parents. I need to call his parents. Without wasting another second, I called uncle Montario. The news was like a bombshell to him. After when barely thirty minutes had passed. I saw his parents coming towards me.

I had expected everything like they would slap me or tell me to get the hell out of there and never to see their son again but they did something totally unexpected. They both were crying and they hugged me tightly, making me lose myself even more.

Aunt Caroline was crying hysterically. Looking at them made me realize that this was real. This was all very real. Uncle montario called Ryan and he was there in the blink of an eye, being concerned as hell. He was pacing to and forth in the hall anxiously, racking a hand through his hair in frustration every now and then. He was as worried and impatient as we all were.

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